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July 05, 2011 |

Women are antidote to China's old boys' club

It's a man's world. That's something, for better or worse, women in Asia can tell you. Japan and South Korea underutilize women with little regard for how it constrains growth. The Philippines sends all too many of them abroad as domestics to ship money home and support an inefficient economy. A preference for boys in India and elsewhere leads to elective abortion of female fetuses.
4 minute read
May 08, 2013 |

Tracking Changes in Women's Corporate Roles

A year after Sheryl Sandberg sparked a national conversation on women's advancement in the workplace, three new publications spotlight inroads women are making as general counsel, risk managers, and corporate board directors.
5 minute read
September 12, 2008 |

Don't get burned by new Coen film

When the Coen brothers go commercial, the results can be blood-curdling. Think "Intolerable Cruelty," a turgid romantic comedy set in the world of divorce law starring George Clooney and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Or if you really want to work up a sweat, consider "The Ladykillers," their disastrous remake of a mid-'50s British comedy, with Tom Hanks replacing Alec Guinness.
4 minute read
July 29, 2008 |

How to Effectively Examine a Doctor on Plaintiff's Case-In-Chief

Short questions requiring yes or no answers are the key. Starting with either the treatment, the background of the defendant or the nature of the the injury to the plaintiff, provides a dramatic beginning.
7 minute read
May 13, 2013 |

Supreme Court Sides with Monsanto in Seed Patent Case

A unanimous U.S. Supreme Court that is often skeptical of patents embraced a key seed patent on Monday in the case of a Monsanto Co. soybean variety that was being replicated by savvy farmers.
4 minute read
September 29, 2008 |

A Buzz About Bridging Pay Gap

The gender pay gap has always been a sore subject bubbling near the surface of law firms across the nation. Now it has boiled over the top. A recent report by the U.S. Census Bureau shows that women lawyers still earn far less than their male counterparts. The statistic didn't surprise anyone, but that didn't stop it from triggering a fresh round of debate on scores of blogs and within women's legal circles.
7 minute read
May 24, 2001 |

Heat is on Attorneys in Drug Trafficking Cases

To the dismay of the defense bar, federal prosecutors are putting lawyers into prison for accepting fees to represent those accused of drug dealing and white-collar crimes. If scaring lawyers out of representing criminal defendants was the Justice Department's goal, the feds seem to have succeeded. Defense lawyers say few prominent practitioners will touch drug cases any more -- or at least will admit to it.
7 minute read
April 08, 2004 |

In-Housers Face Tough Odds, Few Options in Job Hunt

"Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." That's what many boom-time in-house lawyers -- many of whom are now unemployed -- are saying as they ponder their next move. With the economy improving, there's a small, though noticeable, uptick in hiring. But there's a lot more competition for in-house jobs these days, and it's difficult to get back into the law firm game. So what can job seekers expect in the months ahead?
8 minute read
June 13, 2011 |

Sorting Out Claims Of Undue Influence

In her Trusts and Estates Update, Ilene Sherwyn Cooper, a partner with Farrell Fritz, writes that undue influence is often the linchpin to the outcome of a matter, and as such, relevant to its strategy. This is most pointedly revealed, she says, by opinions rendered within the past three months in which the issue of undue influence played a primary role in the courts' determinations.
12 minute read
August 01, 2005 |

'Independent Ink'

Should a patent be presumed to create market power? That question will be squarely before the U.S. Supreme Court in Illinois Tool Works Inc. v. Independent Ink Inc..
8 minute read
