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March 08, 2010 |

Firms slow to awaken to cybersecurity threat

Law firms have dealt quietly with cyberattacks for years, but lately those strikes appear to be on the rise. Law firms are attractive targets for cyberattackers because they maintain sensitive client information on their systems, say technology consultants.
8 minute read
March 09, 2010 |

(Snort!) ... Wha? Law Firms Slow to Awaken to Cybersecurity Threat

Companies shudder as law firms become more and more attractive targets for cyberattackers delving for client secrets, litigation plans, negotiation strategies and details of pending transactions.
8 minute read
February 17, 2011 |

Patents Remain a Priority

High court to hear three patent cases this term, one of which is "huge."
7 minute read
October 05, 2010 |

How Private Is Facebook Under the SCA?

As online messaging services become more prominent, it is important to understand the extent to which the Stored Communications Act protects private communication and data on social networking and webmail sites, say Gibbons attorneys Mark S. Sidoti, Philip J. Duffy and Paul E. Asfendis.
11 minute read
January 21, 2010 |

Authenticating Web Pages as Evidence

The burden of authenticating a document as evidence is usually low, but doing so for a screen shot of a website is a challenge, as courts generally view such information with suspicion. As one federal judge noted: "Anyone can put anything on the Internet." It is "voodoo information."
14 minute read
February 14, 2011 |

Patents remain a priority

When it comes to patent reform, the U.S. Supreme Court is a surer bet than Congress — at least in producing results.
7 minute read
June 04, 2010 |

'Cautious optimism' that hotel rates will rise

South Florida hotel room rates could increase this year from last year's levels despite fears within the hospitality industry that the oil spill will seep into the Atlantic Ocean.
6 minute read
October 18, 2013 |

Tech Circuit: 'I'll Take $400 in F-Word' Edition

The Electronic Discovery Institute's Leadership Summit wraps up after tackling "Legal Jeopardy! Throwdown," Billing Dilemmas, and Diversity.
5 minute read
February 01, 2010 |

Economy Model

Why are lawyers like IP litigator Daralyn Durie jumping ship in the middle of a recession? They're betting they can do the same high-quality work for less--and enjoy it more--under their own shingle. The rise of the lone wolf.
15 minute read
October 01, 2013 |


Your paranoia is justified, cyber malfeasants are infiltrating your organization!
5 minute read
