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April 23, 2004 |

Ribald �Friends' Meetings Lead to Sex Harass Claim

Writing television comedy is dirty work. So dirty that crass behavior and vulgar jokes may be an acceptable part of the creative process, rather than a hostile work environment. In a unanimous decision, the Second District Court of Appeal held that it's up to a jury to determine if the writers of the TV sitcom �Friends� were justified in regularly talking in a sexual nature and making sexually explicit drawings, in a sexual harrassment suit brought by a former writers assistant.
4 minute read
May 13, 2005 |

Mapping the High Court Justices

In the guessing game over who might be the next Supreme Court nominee, one factor has been largely overlooked: geography. Whether a state can claim a justice is a matter not only of birthplace, but also of teaching posts, judicial appointments -- even summer homes. In the end, where a justice chooses to hail from may come down to politics. A key factor is whether a state has any senators from the majority party -- senators who can introduce and sponsor a nominee during the confirmation process.
4 minute read
December 29, 2003 |

A Steady Spread of Spam

With commercial pitches increasingly popping up in online chats, instant messages, Web logs and cell phones with text messaging, spammers are threatening to cripple these tools just as they are beginning to take off. Will these new forms of spam freeze the communications revolution in its tracks?
5 minute read
November 28, 2001 |

Advancing Women Lawyers in a 'Post-War' World

Some say the war is over. The "war," that is, for gender fairness, equality or neutrality in firms and the law profession. It's true that many of the large battles have been won. But young lawyers who entered law school after the major struggles were over are beginning to face obstacles to career advancement -- obstacles they wanted to believe didn't exist. What can more experienced lawyers do to help?
5 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book White Collar Crime: Business and Regulatory Offenses Authors: Otto G. Obermaier, Robert G. Morvillo (deceased), Robert J. Anello, Barry A. Bohrer View this Book

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March 11, 2005 |

Former AG Speaks on Investigating Rather

Tony [email protected] former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh, 72, took a call in his Washington office from CBS News president Andrew Heyward last September, he did not suspect he soon would be dropping everything for three months to work on a thankless, high-visibility corporate investigation.
5 minute read
August 01, 2002 |

Smith Confirmed by U.S. Senate for 3rd Circuit Slot

The U.S. Senate on Wednesday confirmed D. Brooks Smith for a seat on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals by a vote of 64-35. Smith, the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, was opposed by many liberal groups for his past membership in a men-only sports club and for rulings that liberals said show insensitivity to environmental, labor, consumer and women's concerns.
3 minute read
October 11, 2006 |

In The Trenches: Coleman to head Lord Bissell office

LORD BISSELL BROOK'S Atlanta partners have voted former city attorney Michael V. Coleman to head their office, four months after Corliss S. Lawson resigned from the post to start her own firm.Lawson, the first African-American woman to lead a local big firm office, vowed when she was voted Lord Bissell's Atlanta partner-in-charge in 2004 to use her position to attract more women and minorities to the Chicago-based firm.
5 minute read
June 20, 2012 |

Putting the News Corp. Internal Investigation in the GC's Hands

Is it a wise governance move to hand off a major internal investigation to your general counsel? That's exactly what Rupert Murdoch's New York-based News Corporation did this week.
3 minute read


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