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October 11, 2012 |

Obama-fueled mortgages boost profit at biggest home lenders

Lenders are generating revenue as middlemen between government-controlled mortgage firms such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which provide about 90 percent of the funds to the housing market, and borrowers looking to take advantage of record-low interest rates.
8 minute read
June 08, 2011 |

Lance Armstrong doping case may cost his foundation $10 Million

Armstrong's Livestrong has sold 80 million yellow bracelets to raise awareness of cancer and had $48.4 million in revenue and earnings in 2010. But if allegations against him prove true, he could lose 10 to 20 percent of that support.
7 minute read
December 21, 2010 |

Law Profs Win $5 Million Defamation Verdict Against West

West Publishing was hit with a verdict of more than $5.1 million in a defamation suit brought by two law professors who claimed their reputations were damaged when West falsely identified them as the authors of a poorly researched treatise update.
4 minute read
April 16, 2012 |

An Unfulfilled Promise of Open Government

In a range of cases involving U.S. records, there appears to be no agency withholding that DOJ lawyers won't defend.
4 minute read
November 06, 2012 |

Apparent Obama victory makes major post-election legal challenges unlikely

President Barack Obama appeared to win a second term in the White House late November 6, sharply reducing the likelihood of any major post-election legal battles in key states like Florida, where the vote totals are so close it appeared a recount might be necessary.
3 minute read
January 02, 2007 |

Impact Player of the Year: Fred Baron

He may not lay claim to the title, "King of Toxic Torts," and may not be running a stable of 480 employees as the founding partner of the highly successful Baron & Budd, but Fred Baron is still a force on the legal and political scene. Baron says his motives are the same as when he represented asbestos victims, only grander: To elect Democrats to help regulate corporate misconduct and to protect the civil justice system from being dismantled by conservative, pro-business Republicans.
26 minute read
December 13, 2012 |

Unapproved Opinions

Opinions not approved for publication.
58 minute read
