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March 30, 2010 |

Ogletree Deakins continues expansion with office in Minneapolis

National labor and employment firm Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart opened its 39th domestic offices with a new location in Minneapolis. The firm's first Minnesota outpost will be led by new shareholder Cynthia Bremer, who joins from Fulbright & Jaworski.
2 minute read
December 12, 2006 |

Who Killed the Mass Torts Bonanza?

The power of the plaintiffs bar is on the wane in this country, and will be for a long time to come. To be sure, plaintiffs lawyers and mass torts aren't going to disappear. There will always be people injured by the products or actions of big corporations, and there's still money to be made representing them. But the bonanza -- the Wild West era in which mass torts was an unfettered frontier and plaintiffs lawyers seemed to have all the firepower -- is over.
27 minute read
January 31, 2011 |

Getting Fired: Don't Deal With the In-House Counsel and Deal With It Publicly?

Heaven forbid, IF you get fired, don't talk with the in-house counsel and deal with it in a public manner? Uh oh, that's not what an in-house lawyer wants to hear ...
157 minute read
February 21, 2005 |

Gary v. The Air Group Inc.

In amending the Airline Deregulation Act, the Whistleblower Protection Act did not meaningfully alter the analysis under the ADA of whether a claim is pre-empted, and here, where airline prices and routes are not in issue, appellant's state-law whistleblower claim that he was terminated in retaliation for calling his employer's attention to a co-worker's alleged lack of safety qualifications is not pre-empted by the ADA because it is not "related to" the "service of an air carrier."
9 minute read
January 03, 2005 |

This Boies' Life

In "Courting Justice," superlawyer David Boies has written an engaging chronicle of the landmark cases in his career, says our reviewer. The prose is lucid and approachable, eschewing the sophomoric, the esoteric and the falsely modest. But Boies disappoints in a partisan appraisal of Bush v. Gore, which he likens to Dred Scott v. Sanford and Plessy v. Ferguson. His talents are worthy of much better.
8 minute read
April 20, 2007 |

Bar Exam Results From February 2007

The Pennsylvania Board of Law Examiners on April 19 announced the results of the bar examination given on Feb. 27 and 28, 2007.
5 minute read
March 13, 2009 |

United States, appellee v. Leon Williams, defendant-appellant

Consecutive Mandatory Minimum Sentencing For Drug Trafficking Crime With Gun Clarified
25 minute read
May 18, 2000 |

Sticky Situation for Attorney in Coke Race Bias Case

Willie E. Gary insists there's nothing wrong with his owning a cable TV network that signed an advertising contract with Coca-Cola while he pursues a race discrimination suit against the beverage giant for millions of dollars. Gary has taken what legal ethics experts say is an increasingly popular approach for lawyers who confront apparent conflicts of interest -- obtaining the client's consent.
6 minute read
May 24, 1999 |

Procter & Gamble Satanism Suit Goes Down in Flames

Procter & Gamble, which lost a suit accusing Amway Corp. and some of its distributors of spreading false rumors about its involvement with Satanism, says the judge improperly applied the actual-malice standard. In Procter & Gamble Co. v. Amway Corp., the consumer products giant accused some independent Amway distributors in Texas and Utah of spreading via their voice mail system an old rumor that P&G's trademark symbolized its involvement in Satanism.
4 minute read
August 01, 2013 |

Unapproved Opinions

Opinions not approved for publication.
59 minute read


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