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October 27, 2009 |

Largest Mergers and Acquisitions

2009 Almanac - Largest Mergers and Acquisitions
9 minute read
June 09, 2008 |

Classmates of Clarence Thomas Question Yale Slam

In his recent memoir, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote that affirmative action at Yale Law School made it difficult for him to land a top job after graduation. Not true, say several of his African-American classmates.
18 minute read
September 27, 2007 |

The Global 100

13 minute read
July 01, 2009 |

Playing 3-D Chess

In many of the biggest disputes from our 2009 Arbitration Scorecard, one battleground isn't enough.
18 minute read
November 05, 2004 |

Whistle While You Work

If 2004's summer associates had a collective motto, it might be the comment by an intern at Pittsburgh's Buchanan Ingersoll: "I loved coming to work every day." In the 2004 Summer Associates Survey, this year's crop of soon-to-be lawyers positively gushed over how much they liked their firms, their work and the lawyers they worked with. There was little angst voiced this year about getting an offer. Instead, summers knew what they wanted and felt more confident that they would get it.
14 minute read
September 22, 2003 |

Guessing Game as Fraud Penalties Target Insiders

It's a rule of thumb in prosecuting complex financial frauds: You need someone on the inside to help unravel the convoluted artifices executives build to hide their deceit. The reward for helping the Justice Department fulfill one of its top priorities -- and make notoriously difficult cases more manageable -- is usually leniency. But some say stiffer penalties enacted in the wake of Enron and other scandals have the potential to make law enforcement's job more difficult.
4 minute read
In Weird En Banc Ruling, Fifth Circuit Punts on Climate Change Class Action, Leaving Mess for Supreme Court
Publication Date: 2010-06-01
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After a three-judge appellate panel reinstated a property owner's class action alleging that oil and chemical companies contributed to Hurricane Katrina's ferocity, the Fifth Circuit granted the defendants' motion to rehear the case en banc. Then, because it couldn't muster enough judges to hear it, the appellate court dismissed the appeal.

May 24, 1999 |

Wingtips take wing

The casual dress trend, begun in California and once limited to Fridays, has, it seems, spread across the country, a survey of dress policy by The National Law Journal shows.
8 minute read
July 10, 2007 |

Firm Pay Hikes in U.S. Have Ripple Effect in London

The recent salary increases for new associates in the United States may be having a ripple effect across the Atlantic Ocean. "We felt this year it was the right thing to do to be more in line with what we pay in the U.S.," says Weil Gotshal partner Michael Francies, whose London office recently boosted pay for newly qualified lawyers to the equivalent of more than $179,000 in U.S. dollars. Law firms cite cost of living and an attempt to embody their global images as reasons for raising salaries.
4 minute read


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