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September 11, 2002 |

Back to a Practice and a Life

Fred Van Remortel moved into his new office late last month. It's two stories lower and about 70 blocks from the one he had a year ago -- in the World Trade Center's north tower. Amid all the sorrow and struggle since Sept. 11, the two-attorney firm of Conway & Conway is actually doing better than ever. "It amazes me," says Van Remortel, "how often people come in and say, 'We were looking at you and some other firms, and we picked you because you were in the Trade Center.'"
5 minute read
October 09, 2006 |


7 minute read
April 12, 2012 |

Liberty Lincoln-Mercury Inc. v. Ford Motor Co.

Ford's New Jersey cost surcharge does not violate the New Jersey Franchise Protection Act.
5 minute read
October 24, 2007 |

Consumer Need Not Demand Refund to Seek Fraud Damages, N.J. Court Says

A consumer suing under New Jersey's Consumer Fraud Act need not first demand a refund of alleged overcharges, a state appeals court held recently, parting company with an earlier precedent. The conflict means the state Supreme Court will likely hear the case if there is an appeal. The plaintiff's attorney says the new ruling "properly eviscerates" the earlier precedent and "reinstates [the Consumer Fraud Act] to its place as one of the most comprehensive consumer protection statutes."
4 minute read
January 31, 2005 |

Lawyers Wax Creative Finding Ways To Raise Money for Tsunami Victims

Unlike 9-11, when large numbers of lawyers volunteered to help victims' families navigate through the bureaucracy, there is little, if any, professional help lawyers can offer for victims of the Dec. 26 Indian Ocean tsunami. Still, they are finding ways to assist, not only by digging into their own pockets but also by acting collectively through their law firms, bar groups and law schools.
6 minute read
April 05, 2000 |

Cut in Drexel Case Attorneys' Fees OK'd

The two lead firms who represented plaintiffs burned in the Drexel Burnham Lambert scandal of the 1980s will receive less than 20 percent of the fees they sought following a decision by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Milberg Weiss Bershad Hynes & Lerach, along with Abbey, Gardy & Squitieri, will receive $2.1 million for engineering the settlement of the $54 million class action filed in the wake of the junk bond crisis involving Drexel Burnham and junk bond superstar Michael Milken.
5 minute read
July 06, 2007 |

Plaintiffs in Glass Houses Cannot Claim Discrimination

The New Jersey Appellate Division recently rejected a lawsuit brought under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination by a Jewish police officer who claimed that he was subjected to a hostile work environment because of his Jewish religion.
6 minute read
March 08, 2007 |

Buchanan Bankruptcy Group Moves to Greenberg

Four bankruptcy lawyers have broken camp at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney's Princeton, N.J., branch and pitched their tents at Greenberg Traurig in Florham Park. Louis De Lucia left Monday along with partners Alan Brody and Thomas Halm Jr., associate Alyson Fiedler and some clients, including Bank of America. The group defection is the second in as many months for Buchanan. In February, Washington, D.C.'s Crowell & Moring recruited an eight-lawyer financial institutions practice from Buchanan in New York.
3 minute read
February 23, 2007 |

Immunity for the Broker-Dealer

Except in highly unusual situations, UCC Section 8-115 effectively immunizes a broker-dealer from liability to third parties asserting adverse claims related to the maintenance of assets in its customer's accounts.
7 minute read


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