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Appellate Division, First Department:February 18, 2020
Publication Date: 2020-02-20
Practice Area: Civil Appeals | Criminal Appeals
Court: Appellate Division, First Department, Cases released
Judge: Unsigned
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number: DOCKET

Appellate Division, First Department:February 18, 2020

February 07, 2020 | New York Law Journal

'Residual Hearsay' Exception: Recent Changes Bring More Muscle

In his Complex Litigation column, Michael Hoenig discusses the hearsay rule and some of its exceptions, particularly focusing on the newly revised revised Rule 807, which is now seemingly more muscular than the old rule and may go from rare use to a thriving battlefront.
9 minute read
January 31, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Appear at NYC Bar's Musical Comedy

The New York City Bar Association will roast Ginsburg in a humorous tribute to the justice, her life and her love of opera.
3 minute read
Appellate Division, First Department:January 21, 2020
Publication Date: 2020-01-23
Practice Area: Civil Appeals | Criminal Appeals
Court: Appellate Division, First Department, Cases Decided
Judge: Unsigned
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number: DOCKET

Appellate Division, First Department:January 21, 2020

January 22, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Class Certified in Tenants' Heat and Hot Water Suit vs. City Housing Authority

Mary Eaton, a partner at Willkie Farr & Gallagher representing the tenants, said, "Forcing hundreds of thousands of NYCHA tenants to pursue individual breach of contract claims in Civil Court is not a just or reasonable approach, and we are pleased the Appellate court agreed."
3 minute read
January 10, 2020 | New York Law Journal

'Smart' Clothing: A New Liability Frontier?

In his Complex Litigation column, Michael Hoenig uses the recent case 'Andrews v. Lands' End', where Delta Airlines flight attendants claimed their uniforms caused them adverse health effects, to discuss the current law and issues surrounding "smart clothing."
7 minute read
December 06, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Court Deference to Agencies' Interpretations

In his Complex Litigation column, Michael Hoenig discusses the Supreme Court's decision in 'Kisor v. Wilkie', in which the court wrestled with the degree of deference courts must (or should) give to an agency's interpretation of its regulations.
8 minute read
Appellate Division, First Department:November 19, 2019
Publication Date: 2019-11-21
Practice Area: Civil Appeals | Criminal Appeals
Court: Appellate Division, First Department, Cases Decided
Judge: Unsigned
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number: DOCKET

Appellate Division, First Department:November 19, 2019

November 08, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Recent 'Frye' 'Gatekeeping' Rulings

In his Complex Litigation column, Michael Hoenig discusses a recent trial court decision that teaches valuable lessons for lawyers as it wrestles on how to decide an exquisite battle of expert opinions by well-qualified neurologists. Litigators may well take sides on this interesting one.
11 minute read
Appellate Division, First Department:October 29, 2019
Publication Date: 2019-10-31
Practice Area: Civil Appeals | Criminal Appeals
Court: Appellate Division, First Department, Cases Decided
Judge: Unsigned
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number: DOCKET

Appellate Division, First Department:October 29, 2019
