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May 06, 2002 |

Black Farmer Class Action in Turmoil

More than one year after dozens of pro bono lawyers swooped in to bail out plaintiff`s counsel in a huge class action involving black farmers, the plaintiffs are still trying to undo mistakes by the case`s originial attorneys.
5 minute read
November 11, 2003 |

Privilege at Issue in Patent Fight

A Stamford, Conn.-based intellectual property boutique is at the center of a legal challenge involving the nondisclosure of attorney opinion letters in patent infringement cases. Under a 1988 Federal Circuit ruling, the assertion of the attorney-client privilege in such disputes can have negative ramifications, but Wesley W. Whitmyer Jr. maintains his clients shouldn't have been punished for failing to turn over an opinion letter.
3 minute read
Federal Law Preempts State Law Claims Against Foreign Airlines, Second Circuit Rules
Publication Date: 2012-10-12
Practice Area:
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number:

An appellate court ruled on Thursday that the Federal Aviation Act preempts the state regulation of all airlines. The decision came in a long-running litigation in which major carriers have been accused of conspiring to keep cargo shipping rates artificially high.

May 30, 2008 |

The A-List (51-200)

Lawyers like to lament the passing of their fabled past, when partners knew each other on sight, firms contented themselves to operating in one ZIP code and junior associates were not a menacing anonymous horde threatening to take out their frustrations via the blogosphere. As it happens, in the big-firm world those days aren't gone, they've just moved to the Am Law Second Hundred ranks, where firms are prosperous and growing steadily but retain the possibility of old-fashioned cohesion.
28 minute read
April 19, 2010 |

The Efficiency equation

30 minute read
December 23, 1999 |

Still the One

After a 50-year career in Congress and on the bench, one Washington D.C. veteran reflects on the allure of practicing law in the nation's capital. While the glitter of being an insider in the nation's capitol may have faded a little, it's still Broadway for a lot of young lawyers. Many of them may come for a year or two and stay for a career.
7 minute read
June 21, 2007 |

Sun Shines on Select Law Firms

Five years ago, Sun Microsystems worked with about 400 outside law firms. In the last few months, Sun has dramatically pared down its roster of outside counsel to nine firms that handle all its routine work. Apart from the cost-cutting and organizational motivations, Sun GC Michael Dillon says the law firm business has changed. The traditional law firm billable-hours model is "disjointed" from business reality, he said, and the race to meet New York associate salary standards "just exacerbates the problem."
3 minute read
MBIA Insurance Company v. Countrywide Home Loans, 602825/08
Publication Date: 2011-07-01
Practice Area: Business Law
Court: Appellate Division, First Department
Judge: Before: Angela M. Mazzarelli,J.P., David B. Saxe, Dianne T. Renwick, Leland G. DeGrasse, Roslyn H. Richter, JJ.
For plaintiff: Goodwin Procter LLP, New York (Mark Holland, Christopher J. Garvey, Abigail K. Hemani, Ashley H. Gray, Paul F. Ware, Jr., and Sarah Heaton Concannon of counsel), for appellants-respondents.
For defendant: Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, New York (Philippe Z. Selendy, Peter E. Calamari, Sanford I. Weisburst, Manisha M. Sheth and Eve S. Moskowitz of counsel), for respondent-appellant.
Case number: 602825/08

Cite as: MBIA Insurance Company v. Countrywide Home Loans, 602825/08, NYLJ 1202499059313, at *1 (App. Div. 1st, Decided June 30, 2011)Before: Angela M. Mazzarel

November 05, 2004 |

Whistle While You Work

If 2004's summer associates had a collective motto, it might be the comment by an intern at Pittsburgh's Buchanan Ingersoll: "I loved coming to work every day." In the 2004 Summer Associates Survey, this year's crop of soon-to-be lawyers positively gushed over how much they liked their firms, their work and the lawyers they worked with. There was little angst voiced this year about getting an offer. Instead, summers knew what they wanted and felt more confident that they would get it.
14 minute read
April 24, 2009 |

Flash training 2010 Test: Part 2a

27 minute read


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