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August 19, 2013 |

Editorial: Should Good Deeds Counteract Misbehaving?

The past year was memorable for many reasons, not the least being the fall from grace of formerly deemed estimable gentlemen, whose admittedly admirable activities were cited as an excuse to mitigate their offenses.
4 minute read
October 06, 2008 |

In Beard Brawl, D.C. Wants Clean, Close Shave

A city ban on beards for firefighters and paramedics is pitting the District of Columbia against a group of employees who say their religious beliefs prevent them from going clean-shaven. The fight is now before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where District officials are hoping a three-judge panel overturns a lower court decision that allowed the employees to keep their facial hair.
7 minute read
April 11, 2012 |

Decrease in profits threatens U.S. bank rally

JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and the other four largest U.S. lenders may post an 11 percent drop in first-quarter profit, threatening a rally that pushed bank stocks 19 percent higher this year.
6 minute read
September 30, 2008 |

Conference of Delegates Takes on Prop 8

At the weekend's annual State Bar meeting in Monterey, members of various bar associations took on a bevy of heavy topics, including same-sex marriage. They steered clear of others.
5 minute read
February 01, 2007 |

Most Calif. Firms Still Not Matching N.Y. Associates� Pay

More California-based firms are opting for a segmented associate salary scale, hiking pay to a $160,000 base in their New York offices but implementing a $145,000 scale in California.
3 minute read
October 28, 2010 |

Law School Sues Rival for Antitrust Violations

A legal fight is brewing between two Southern California law schools that cater to working students with part-time, evening-only programs -- highlighting the stiff competition some schools face in luring students.
4 minute read
April 27, 2011 |

Holder Leaps to the Defense of Guy Leading Defense of Defense of Marriage Act

Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. yesterday weighed in on the controversy surrounding Paul Clement's decision to leave King & Spalding to pursue same-sex marriage litigation, saying Clement does not deserve criticism.
4 minute read
February 04, 2005 |

Measuring Nanotechnology's Effect on the Law

Nanotechnology funding is huge right now, with about $982 million requested for federal investment in nanoscale science, engineering and technology for fiscal year 2005. This could all make for big returns and a sizeable impact on law and society. Attorney Sonia E. Miller talks with some nanotechnology leaders about the field's implications for the legal profession in this "age of innovation."
8 minute read
November 26, 2002 |

Grappling With Post-Merger Culture Shock

When law firms merge, they're sure to talk up both the great cultural fit and the attainment of a "platform" for growth. But often the larger firm's maximization of the newly acquired platform depends more on cultural shift at the smaller firm than on cultural fit. And as mergers multiply, so do complaints among partners unhappy that their firms' desire to grow means abandonment of a firm culture where profits aren't paramount.
7 minute read
