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May 16, 2011 |


"Capital Contributions," "V&E Opens in Saudi Arabia" and "Akin Gump Additions"
5 minute read
October 30, 2006 |

High Court Makes Noncompete Covenants Easier to Enforce

A Texas Supreme Court decision has breathed new life into noncompete covenants previously thought to be unenforceable. In Alex Sheshunoff Management Services v. Johnson, a unanimous Supreme Court held on Oct. 20 that an at-will employee's agreement not to compete with an employer after he leaves job in exchange for training and confidential information that the employer provided to the employee is enforceable.
7 minute read
December 06, 2005 |

Camera Phones in the Workplace Cause Concern

Although bans on camera phones in courtrooms or gyms have become common, general counsel may still be wondering: Is there a good reason to ban these devices from workplaces, too? In fact, camera-phone users can take photos in places most companies have not contemplated, facilitating identity theft or invasion of a co-worker's privacy. Art Lambert, a partner in Kane Russell Coleman & Logan's labor and employment section, cautions GCs to address the issue of employee camera phones before it's too late.
5 minute read
October 31, 2011 |

No Headline

. . . Blake Elizabeth Sachs and Rachel Kingrey have joined Gardere Wynne Sewell in Dallas as associates with the real estate and trial practice areas, respectively.
3 minute read
May 06, 2008 |

Tough Times on the Auction Block

Auction-rate securities are one of the many investment vehicles facing liquidity problems as a result of the credit crisis. Litigation is brewing, and some companies are wondering how to access frozen funds they once believed to be as liquid as cash. General counsel whose companies invested in auction-rate securities may have trouble selling them. Attorneys Kenneth Johnston and Julie Biermacher offer tips on what to know when the board of directors or the chief financial officer comes knocking.
5 minute read
January 14, 2013 |


1 minute read
June 02, 2008 |

Tough Times on the Auction Block

Companies that invested in auction rate securities may have trouble selling them. Here's why, and what execs can do in the face of the cash crunch.
5 minute read
December 06, 2005 |

Camera Phones in the Workplace Cause Concern

Although bans on camera phones in courtrooms or gyms have become common, general counsel may still be wondering: Is there a good reason to ban these devices from workplaces, too? In fact, camera-phone users can take photos in places most companies have not contemplated, facilitating identity theft or invasion of a co-worker's privacy. Art Lambert, a partner in Kane Russell Coleman & Logan's labor and employment section, cautions GCs to address the issue of employee camera phones before it's too late.
5 minute read
January 09, 2012 |


Plaintiff gets award for head-on collision. Plaintiff awarded $3,400 for soft-tissue injuries.
3 minute read
June 21, 2010 |

Supreme Court Nixes Common-Law Claims in Sexual Harassment Suits

In a case of first impression, the Texas Supreme Court has ruled that a plaintiff who successfully sues for sexual harassment under the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act cannot also recover damages for a common-law claim of negligent supervision and retention. Justice Don Willett (pictured) wrote the opinion in Waffle House v. Cathie Williams.
6 minute read
