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May 23, 2012 |

Regulators scrutinizing Facebook after IPO mess, but lawyers doubt tough penalties to follow

In the wake of its botched initial public offering, Facebook is facing uncommonly swift regulatory scrutiny on multiple fronts. Still, securities lawyers say it's unlikely the social media giant and its lead underwriter Morgan Stanley Smith Barney will face serious penalties from the government.
3 minute read
February 29, 2008 |

Kidd Accuser Loses Her Bid For Anonymity

4 minute read
October 09, 2008 |

Criminal Prosecutions Predicted to Surge Over Financial Crisis

With public anger reaching a boiling point over plunging stock prices and Wall Street "greed," white-collar defense attorneys are preparing for an inevitable surge in criminal prosecutions. Some defense attorneys say they are confident that prosecutors will act responsibly, but other lawyers are concerned that the current climate could affect investigations. "If we saw hostility in [the] Enron climate, we are going to see hostility by a magnitude of tenfold" here, says attorney Mark C. Zauderer.
7 minute read
August 23, 2007 |

Lawyers 'Flying Blind' On Options Penalties

The stock-options backdating scandal has produced 16 criminal prosecutions, 100 corporate earnings restatements totaling $12.4 billion, and the disclosure that 220 companies have been subject to internal or federal investigations. It has also produced some very nervous white-collar criminal defense lawyers . . .
5 minute read
August 03, 2006 |

Comverse Case Is First Backdating Probe to Target In-House Counsel

A case developing in the Brooklyn U.S. Attorney's Office against former executives of Comverse Technology may give the first glimpse into one of the most pressing questions of the stock options backdating probe: How does it affect the lawyers? It's the first case to focus on an in-house lawyer, a dynamic expected in many backdating suits, and may prove more typical of the pace at which federal prosecutors move in the 80 or so backdating investigations.
4 minute read
November 29, 2007 |

Serino, plaintiffs v. Lipper, defendants-appellants-respondents

Continuous Representation Doctrine Does Not Extend Accrual Date of Untimely Accounting Malpractice Claims
14 minute read
November 26, 2010 |

News In Brief

Gawker Media and HarperCollins Publishers Tuesday settled a lawsuit that challenged the blog's publication of parts of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's new book, which went on sale the same day.
3 minute read


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