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April 28, 2020 | Daily Business Review

Ready, Set, Zoom—A Close Up Look at a Virtual Evidentiary Hearing

Over the past two decades, I have handled my fair share of telephonic depositions, mediations and hearings in state, federal and bankruptcy courts.…
4 minute read
April 24, 2020 | Legaltech News

'That's Not My House!' Legal Tech Eagerly Tackling Zoom Backgrounds

From beach scenes to Prince, legal tech has embraced the Zoom background. Here's some favorites, as well as how to make yours stand out from the crowd.
7 minute read
April 23, 2020 | Legaltech News

Video Conferencing and Recording: Know the Risks Before You Connect

Most conferencing programs allow easy recording and sharing of the videos, creating an innovative tool for bringing others in on the conversation. But this function also raises a host of potential confidentiality, discovery and security issues.
6 minute read
April 22, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Preparing for Data Breaches and Interruptions of Digital Services During a Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to reveal new challenges few could have anticipated. Beyond the health care issues—which of course, must take priority—cybersecurity has become an increasingly critical concern—either because of outright scams or hacking of vulnerable remote networks.
7 minute read
April 22, 2020 | Legaltech News

Legal's Biggest Challenge With Remote Work Isn't Tech. It's Mental Health

A new survey conducted by Loeb Leadership found that from an IT stance, the sudden move to working remotely has gone relatively smoothly for many lawyers. But it's also created new stresses and demands for soft skills crucial to operating virtually.
4 minute read
April 21, 2020 | Litigation Daily

As Workforce Scatters, Burden Falls on Practice Group Leaders to Keep Firm Culture Intact

Practice heads are serving as "mini-managing partners" and "front-line lieutenants" as law firms fight to maintain business continuity and ensure cohesion during the COVID-19 pandemic.
5 minute read
April 21, 2020 | The American Lawyer

As Workforce Scatters, Onus Falls on Practice Group Leaders to Keep Firm Culture Intact

Practice heads are serving as "mini-managing partners" and "front-line lieutenants" as law firms fight to maintain business continuity and ensure cohesion during the COVID-19 pandemic.
5 minute read
April 21, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Virtual Land Use Board Hearings: A Recipe for Litigation?

The COVID-19 crisis is forcing land use boards to grapple with the requirements of holding public meetings at which the public cannot be physically present. While some boards will proceed down this route, the myriad of legal issues involved with virtual hearings should give developers pause.
9 minute read
April 20, 2020 | Pro Mid Market

How To Maintain and Build Your Business During COVID-19

The most important question you should ask yourself right now is "how can we support our clients and our profession during this time?"
12 minute read
April 20, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

BAR REPORT - Top tips for managing a remote office

NJSBA members' top tips for managing a remote office
3 minute read
