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October 18, 2004 |

Something Fishy: A Practice in Aquaculture Law

A few attorneys are well aware of the potential cash cod, and have forged a role in the growing aquaculture industry.
5 minute read
June 17, 2011 |

Hate Networking? Tough

If you?re like most people, the thought of jumping into a room full of strangers at a networking event fills you with fear. Whether it?s a meeting of the local bar or Chamber of Commerce networking, large group meetings summon up grade school fears of rejection and panic. Yep, that is some bad juju. Now get over it and do it anyhow. Here's some tips to get you started.
6 minute read
August 08, 2002 |

Small Hope Remains for UPL Change in Connecticut

A Connecticut Bar Association advisory panel has issued an opinion letter stating that in-house counsel not licensed in the state are, indeed, barred from advising their employers on Connecticut law. While Bar officials and the state's business community continue to hold out hope that the state judiciary will revise the UPL rules, the panel decided it could no longer put off taking a stance on the controversial issue.
4 minute read
June 14, 2000 |

Big Firms Hit With Big License Fees

Worried about illegal office copying? Maybe you should. For the first time, big law firms are being asked -- or forced -- to cough up license fees of tens of thousands of dollars per year to the Copyright Clearance Center. While firms never had to do this before, things changed with a May 1999 settlement extracted from LeBoeuf, Lamb, Green & MacRae, which included an annual license of $115,000 per year from the CCC.
4 minute read
September 28, 2012 |

Changes To Rules Make Sure Lawyers Stay On The Right Side Of The Digital Divide

Tim Ronan of Pullman & Comley knows lawyers who run their trials from their iPads and others who prefer to keep their work organized in old-fashioned "three-ring binders." Both types will be affected by a new American Bar Association ethics rule admonishing lawyers "to keep up to date on the benefits and risks associated with technology" used in their practice areas.
7 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book Representing High-Tech Companies Authors: Gary M. Lawrence, Carl Baranowski View this Book

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February 25, 2008 |

'Getting Worse'

The story of the nation's foreclosure crisis has been chronicled in countless ways. Through cold, hard statistics. Through the hard-luck tales of despondent homeowners. Through the convulsions of the desperate mortgage and real estate industries. But those with the best view of the hardship and heartache just might be judges, who, in Connecticut, saw the number of foreclosure cases shoot up by 34 percent last year. They have found themselves not just adjudicators of cases, but dispensers of advice, sometimes offering lifelines to families at risk of losing their homes.
6 minute read
January 10, 2006 |

A Sore Thumbs Up to Lawyer Mobility

"I'm addicted to CrackBerry." It's a funny word play, but the real addiction for lawyers relates to the instant, wireless e-mailing capability of the BlackBerry as opposed to the device itself. For mobile lawyering, the critical tool is the wireless device, which can include cell phones, PDAs, smartphones and/or laptops. And, if you're annoyed at the CrackBerry addicts wandering around, heads down, typing frantically with their thumbs, be prepared, because the number of mobile lawyers is growing rapidly.
4 minute read
February 11, 2009 |

Small Towns Seek Relief From Web Site Law

The Connecticut legislature has required posting of minutes of town hall meetings on town Web sites, if the town has one. This has unleashed a noisy backlash, with a dozen small towns pulling the plug on their sites, according to the Connecticut Council on Municipalities.
5 minute read
February 05, 2007 |

Seven Month Wait For State Assisted Home Care

<p>Meeting the income cap for state assisted home care was hard enough, but the extraordinary seven month delay in confirming Mr. Gonzalez's disability &mdash; after his records were submitted &mdash; was unreasonable, especially in light of federal law requiring a 45-day turn around.</p>
5 minute read
October 17, 2012 |

Cyberattack Case Could Test Limits On Searches

More than a year after federal agents arrested 14 people accused in a cyberattack on PayPal, the high-profile prosecution has ground to a standstill over the handling of computers seized in the investigation.
4 minute read


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