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September 02, 2005 |

Now, a Day at the Beach Can Mean a Day in Court

The once-simple pleasure of enjoying some time on the beach has given rise to a fierce legal battle, with property owners and public-access advocates butting heads over who has the right to stroll, swim or fish along America's coastline. Lately, the tide seems to be turning in favor of the average vacationer, as judges draw imaginary lines in the sand dictating just what's private and what's public.
8 minute read
September 06, 2005 |

Beach Battles

The right to enjoy the beach has given rise to a tidal wave of litigation in recent years, with public-access advocates and private property owners butting heads over who owns the right to stroll, swim or fish along America's coastline. Lately it appears that public beach-goers are winning that legal fight as judges are drawing imaginary lines in the sand dictating which parts of a beach are private and which are public.
8 minute read
November 13, 2006 |

THE NLJ 250 | Index of firms listed

Adams and Reese (143)
5 minute read
November 12, 2007 |

Directory of NLJ 250 branch offices

34 minute read
November 07, 2009 |

Branch Offices of the NLJ 250 Firms

37 minute read
November 15, 2004 |

Branch offices

The NLJ 250: Branch offices.
31 minute read
November 24, 2003 |

Branch offices

Adams and Reese: New Orleans (107); Birmingham, Ala. (51); Houston (38); Baton Rouge, La. (26); Jackson, Miss. (22); Mobile, Ala. (12); Washington (4)
30 minute read
November 06, 2002 |

Estates Win $5.6M Under Rare Ohio Rules

An Ohio jury is allowing the estates of two people killed in a crash with an alleged drunken driver to collect $5.6 million in compensatory damages from their employer's insurer -- even though the crash occurred off-duty and in a private car. The verdict stems from a 3-year-old Ohio Supreme Court decision that opened a new avenue of litigation for plaintiffs' lawyers and left insurers scrambling to rewrite policies.
4 minute read
July 01, 2012 |

Deals & Suits

18 minute read
July 12, 2013 |

Read Mass. Decision on Attorney-GC Privilege

RFF FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, LP vs. BURNS & LEVINSON, LLP, & others. [FN1] SJC-11371. Suffolk. March 4, 2013. - July 10, 2013. Privileged Communication. Evidence, Privileged communication. Attorney at Law, Attorney-client relationship, Inhouse counsel. Partnership, Attorneys. Rules of Professional Conduct.
42 minute read
