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Randy Mastro of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
Publication Date: 2011-02-10
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On Tuesday, Mastro won a temporary restraining order barring plaintiffs lawyers from acting to enforce any judgment an Ecuadorian court issues against Chevron in the long-running Lago Agrio litigation. But that's just the latest of the remarkable victories he and Gibson Dunn have won in the New York wing of this sprawling case.

March 03, 2010 |

No Class-Action Treatment for Suits Over Purloined Body Parts

A federal judge denies class-action status to families seeking damages from funeral homes in three states for the ghoulish, unauthorized harvesting of their loved ones' body tissue for transplants.
5 minute read
May 31, 2007 |

LEGO GC Peter Arakas Demonstrates His Commitment to Children

It�s not every day you come across a corporate lawyer who devotes two business days a week entirely to pro bono work � all pertaining to the representation of children or indigent parents � for three different legal aid organizations.
5 minute read
September 27, 2005 |

Saudi Charity Dropped From Suit Over 9/11

5 minute read
May 22, 2007 |

Judge Voids Congoleum's Pact With Asbestos Claimants, Faulting Lawyers

A New Jersey judge has ruled that Congoleum Corp.'s insurance carriers don't have to fund a $500 million settlement with the company's asbestos claimants, calling it a bad-faith deal engineered by lawyers acting collusively
4 minute read
July 15, 2009 |

Wisconsin High Court Rejects Design Defect Claims Over Lead Paint

In a closely watched case, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled that a young boy who was exposed to lead paint cannot sue the manufacturers for defectively designing a key ingredient. The court on Wednesday affirmed the decisions of both lower courts in granting a motion to dismiss the claims, which were brought against E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., the Sherwin-Williams Co., Armstrong Containers Inc. and American Cyanamid Co. The case attracted amicus briefs from a number of business groups.
3 minute read
Litigator of the Week: Robert Giuffra Jr. of Sullivan & Cromwell
Publication Date: 2012-10-04
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As chief counsel for the U.S. Senate Banking Committee in the mid-1990s, Giuffra helped draft the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act and hobble stock-drop suits. Since the financial crisis the PSLRA has gotten a vigorous workout; last Friday it gave Giuffra the ammunition he needed to knock out what remained of a class action against UBS over more than $100 billion in losses.

January 14, 2004 |

Malpractice Verdict Sticks to Plaintiffs Firm

Malpractice verdict sticks to plaintiffs firm ... But you promised to get me into law school ... Offshore firms to merge ... Want fries with that?
2 minute read
December 12, 2006 |

N.J. Localities Try to Make a Nuisance of Lead Paint

The New Jersey Supreme Court is poised to decide whether lead-based paint constitutes a public nuisance, a prospect that has the industry concerned about easier recoveries across the nation. The plaintiffs are 26 municipalities and counties, led by New Jersey's four largest cities. During arguments last month, Justice Roberto Rivera-Soto asked how manufacturers can be held liable when the allegedly injured parties -- people exposed to lead paint -- have not instituted claims.
4 minute read


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