• In the Matter of Alana M., A child freed for adoption, A-8869/11

    Publication Date: 2012-01-23
    Practice Area:
    Court: Family Court, Bronx County
    Judge: Judge Sidney Gribetz
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the Intervenor-movant foster care agency St. Dominic's Home, Warren and Warren, P.C., by Ira L. Eras, Esq. and Richard Warren, Esq. For the Adoptive Parent, Norma C.-S., Rosin, Steinhagen Mendel, by Jill Kotner, Esq. For the Subject Child, Alana M., Jessica M. Brown, Esq.
    for defendant:

    Case Number: A-8869/11

    Cite as: Matter of Alana M., A-8869/11, NYLJ 1202538983795, at *1 (Fam., BX, Decided ber 22, 2011)Judge Sidney GribetzDecided: