01-2-8467 In the Matter of Reynolds, App. Div. (Sumners, J.A.D.) (10 pp.) Lawrence Reynolds appealed the final agency decision of the Civil Service Commission upholding the termination of his employment as a police officer with the Township of Irvington Police Department after he was observed sleeping while working part-time, in full uniform, as a part of the department’s Job in Blue Program, on an extra-duty assignment to provide security at a local Burger King fast-food restaurant. The panel affirmed, finding sufficient evidence that Reynolds had been sleeping; there was more than sufficient proof of his’ prior disciplinary history to warrant his termination; and while he was working an off-duty assignment, he did so with the approval of and under the guidelines of the department and he was clearly representing the police department by wearing his police uniform and displaying his police-issued firearm.

07-2-8453 Son v. Lynch, App. Div. (per curiam) (4 pp.) Plaintiff, who was represented by defendant-attorney in a 2001 civil action against Pum Yang Express USA, Inc., concerning a 1996 shipping contract that was dismissed and whose legal malpractice action against defendant was dismissed for failure to prosecute, subsequently filed numerous motions which were dismissed. He appealed the dismissal of the most recent, entitled a motion to “describe the discovery of the court’s hearing order for Rule 1:6-2(a).” The panel dismissed the appeal as not properly presented as plaintiff failed to follow the rules of court regarding point headings or other appellate brief requirements and he failed to articulate the grounds for his appeal.