Covington v. International Association of Approved Basketball Officials, No. 11-3096; Third Circuit; opinion by Sloviter, U.S.C.J.; filed March 14, 2013. Before Judges McKee, Sloviter and Vanaskie. On appeal from the District of New Jersey, No. 3-08-cv-3639. [Sat below: Judge Brown.] DDS No. 25-8-9378 [14 pp.]

In her second amended complaint (SAC), Tamika Covington, who has been a basketball official in New Jersey and Pennsylvania for 10 years, alleges gender employment discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) because she has been excluded from officiating at boys’ high school varsity basketball games. Without hearing argument on the merits of Covington’s central claim, the district court dismissed the complaint with prejudice against all defendants.