Bell Tower Condominium Ass’n v. Haffert, A-3218-10T2; Appellate Division; opinion by Baxter, J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication January 12, 2012. Before Judges Carchman, Fisher and Baxter. On appeal from the Law Division, Cape May County, L-493-10. DDS No. 34-2-xxxx [15 pp.]

Defendants Pat Haffert and Terry Downey, husband and wife, own unit 5, the largest of the five units that comprise Bell Tower Condominium. At the May 2010 meeting of the Bell Tower Condominium Association board of trustees, attended by four of the five elected board members (Haffert, the fifth board member, did not attend), the board approved an $80,000 special assessment for repairs. Units 1, 2, 3 and 4 were each assessed $14,400; defendants were assessed $22,400 because their unit is substantially larger.