Newark Morning Ledger Co. v. New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority, A-1810-10T1; Appellate Division; opinion by Lihotz, J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication November 30, 2011. Before Judges Cuff, Lihotz and Waugh. On appeal from the Law Division, Essex County, L-5408-09. [Sat below: Judge Claude Coleman.] DDS No. 52-2-4422 [47 pp.]

Defendant, the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority, appeals from an order requiring it to release unredacted copies of promoter licensing agreements for use of the IZOD Center, a state-owned entertainment facility. A reporter employed by plaintiff, the Newark Morning Ledger Co., which publishes The Star-Ledger , filed an OPRA request seeking release of contracts between defendant and event promoters for performances held in the IZOD Center from 2007 to the date of the request, March 19, 2009. Defendant released copies of 98 contracts, however the financial terms in the contracts were redacted. Defendant declined to release the full contracts, claiming the information was exempt from disclosure as proprietary financial information and because its release would create a competitive disadvantage or reveal trade secrets. Defendant also argued plaintiff’s request sought confidential information, which was exempt from disclosure under common law.