Brogan, Thomas F.
Current Assignment:
Civil, P.J.
Appointed: 2000
Tenure: 2007
Born: Sept. 12, 1953
Education: Seton Hall Univ. School of Law, 1987; Seton Hall Univ., 1976
Prior Experience: Weiner, Ryan & Brogan, partner, 1992-2000; Hannoch Weisman, associate, 1987-2001

Caposela, Ernest M.
Current Assignment:
Appointed: 1999
Tenure: 2006
Born: 1953
Education: Univ. of Louisville, Louis D. Brandeis School of Law, 1983; Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., 1974
Prior Experience: Private practice, Clifton, 1983-1999