Homes of Hope Inc. v. Eastampton Township Land Use Planning Board, A-5551-07T2; Appellate Division; opinion by Winkelstein, P.J.A.D.; concurrence by Chambers, J.A.D.; decided and approved for publication August 24, 2009. Before Judges Winkelstein, Gilroy and Chambers. On appeal from the Law Division, Burlington County, L-580-08. [Sat below: Judge Sweeney.] DDS No. 26-2-5116 [18 pp.]

Plaintiff Homes of Hope Inc., a nonprofit provider of affordable housing, filed an application with the Eastampton Land Use Planning Board, seeking to create eight affordable-housing units on a .848-acre lot located in an area designated as the R-M Residential Medium Density District. While single-family homes are permitted in that zone, multifamily dwellings are not.