• McGonegal v. Dolomite Prods. Co., Inc.

    Publication Date: 2022-11-01
    Practice Area: Land Use and Planning
    Court: Supreme Court, Wayne
    Judge: Acting Justice Richard M. Healy
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiff: Anthony J. Villani, PC.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendants Dolomite Company, Inc and Greystone Golf, LLC: Frank C. Pavia, Esq., Steven Nonkers, Esq., John J. Kolesar, III Esq. Attorney for Defendants Michael Frederes and Town of Walworth: Mark A. Costello, Esq of counsel, Boyland Code.

    Case Number: . CV080492

    Court Dismisses Plaintiff's Untimely and Unsupported Property Damage Claims