Per Curiam

Plaintiffs providers appealed from a Civil Court order in which the court, on Feb. 11, 2011, directed them to place a sum of money into escrow pending decision of a motion under consideration. A Feb. 24, 2011 order again directed plaintiffs to put the sum into escrow after their initial non-compliance. Plaintiffs sought to recover no-fault benefits and moved for summary judgment, which was granted on default. Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corp.'s motion to vacate the default was granted, but this panel reversed, and denied MVAIC's motion to vacate. MVAIC moved to stay execution and for recalculation of the amount of the judgment, but was denied. MVAIC moved for repayment of the proceeds of the execution, and plaintiffs were directed to place the sum in escrow. Plaintiffs argued the civil court lacked authority to issue a mandatory injunction directing them to place funds into escrow. The panel agreed, noting the civil court may not grant injunctive relief, and found as the order did not fall within any exceptions to such general rule the civil court was not authorized to direct the placement of money into escrow. Thus, it reversed the Feb. 24, 2011 order.