Justice Linda Christopher

In this divorce action, many issues have been decided, except spousal and child support for the unemancipated child, and division of the marital residence. Wife sought exclusive use of the residence until the minor child finished school, then agreed to sell it to move to a smaller home. Husband agreed to pay maintenance, admitting wife’s job prospects were slim, but sought a court determination of the amount and duration. The court concluded wife’s role as the children’s primary caretaker, as "insisted by her husband" in this nearly 30 year marriage, the fact she has not been employed for 18 years, and her numerous ailments warranted a maintenance award until she remarried or attained the age to receive Social Security benefits. Despite husband being unemployed, the court found his testimony did not evidence a diligent search to obtain new employment over the seven month period since his termination. It imputed income of $750,000, given his education and prior earning history, awarding wife $13,000 per month in maintenance for nearly 14 years. It also granted wife exclusive use of the marital residence until the youngest child finished high school in 2014, and an award of $4,958 per month child support.