The Association of Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York presented its inaugural Justice Martin Evans Award for Judicial Excellence and Leadership in the Judiciary on Jan. 26 to Justice Phillip Rumsey of Cortland County (See Profile), holding plaque, at the group’s annual breakfast meeting at the Warwick Hotel.

With him, at left, are Steven Evans and Angeliki Kotsianti-Evans, the son and daughter-in-law of the award’s namesake. Standing behind is Justice John Leventhal of the Appellate Division, Second Department (See Profile), a past president of the bar group. Meryle Evans, the namesake’s widow, is second from right. With her is Justice Eileen Bransten of Manhattan (See Profile), the group’s current president. Justice Angela Mazzarelli of the First Department (See Profile), not shown, chaired the awards committee.