mediator dispute problem conflictWelcome to the first in a series of articles/discussions that will be based upon books written by experts in the field of negotiation tactics. These works are by authors who have a unique perspective about mediation and arbitration. The essence of each publication and the focus of these writings will be my observations about how each author’s experiences can enhance and sharpen your own negotiating skills when mediating or arbitrating a case. In this and future writings, I will address how these publications have helped me hone my mediation skills.

The Book: ‘Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It’ by Chris Voss, with Tal Raz (HarperCollins Publishers, 2016). Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It is the ideal book to begin this series. Principal author, Chris Voss, is the former Federal Bureau of Investigation chief hostage negotiator. After 26 years with the FBI, Voss is now in the private sector. As founder of The Black Swan Group, Voss provides negotiation training, and advises Fortune 500 companies in complex negotiations.