We, members of the Board of the Association of New York City Housing Court Judges, write in response to the article titled “Prosecutors, Public Defenders Should Be Vaccine Eligible, NYSBA Executive Committee Says” published in the New York Law Journal on Feb. 17, 2021 authored by Ryan Tarinelli. We applaud and support the New York State Bar Association’s executive committee for approving the resolution that calls for the expansion of the COVID-19 vaccination eligibility to prosecutors, public defenders, assigned counsel attorneys, mandated family court attorneys, retained criminal defense attorneys, “client-facing” civil legal services attorneys, criminal court judges and family court judges. However, the judges of the Housing Court of the City of New York have every day since mid-June 2020 presided over proceedings in which litigants appear in person. These proceedings include allegations of illegal lockouts, lack of heat, hot water, gas and other emergency conditions, harassment claims, as well as claims involving alleged persistent and unreasonable behavior that infringes on the use and enjoyment of other tenants or causes substantial safety hazard to others. Our judges’ dedication to the important work of our court has never been more evident. That our judges have placed their health at risk every day, since last year to benefit every day New Yorkers seeking redress in our court, during this pandemic deserves the same level of recognition as the groups mentioned in your writing.

The Board of the Association of New York City Housing Court Judges: Daniele Chinea, President; Frances A. Ortiz, Vice President; Jack Stoller, Treasurer; Christel F. Garland, Secretary.