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Jenner & Block said the firm and the MPAA had already agreed to turn over documents that they exchanged with Hood, but that Google “insists on more.”

“Google demands documents that the attorney general never saw, and that instead include the internal deliberations of the MPAA, its communications with its members, and the legal advice of Jenner, as well as communications with others similarly aggrieved by Google’s conduct, on the misguided theory that such documents somehow are probative of Attorney General Hood’s intent,” Handzo wrote.

The Digital Citizens Alliance also filed papers on Monday objecting to Google’s request to compel compliance with the subpoenas. The group, represented by Massey & Gail in Washington, said Google’s request was premature and that the company failed to engage in “good faith” efforts to resolve any differences.

Below: Read Jenner & Block’s response to Google’s motion to comply.