It’s unlikely that the 2013 regulatory lineup at the Department of Energy will be as big a hit as its long-ago efforts to get Americans to turn right on a red light. (It saves fuel, especially in delivery trucks.) But for in-house lawyers and their outside counsel, Energy and related agencies like the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission are still revving their engines.

At an NLJ Regulatory Summit panel in December, a team of energy regulation experts considered the issues ahead in 2013. The panel included Shemin Proc­tor, Washington managing partner at Andrews Kurth; Dan­iel Cohen, a Department of Energy lawyer; Nina Plaushin, vice president, federal and legislative affairs, at ITC Holdings Corp.; Leslie Thornton, general counsel at the Washington Gas Light Co.; and William Taylor III, vice president, government and regulatory affairs, at Calpine Corp. Among the areas they said were likely to generate the most regulatory heat: