There’s an interesting article on General Electric’s website titled “Powering Ideas on a Large Scale.” In it, GE’s Michael Bowman takes a look at Isaac Asimov’s classic 1964 New York Times piece predicting what a 2014 World’s Fair might look like. Asimov predicted some big things, such as nuclear power plants to supply more than 50 percent of the world’s energy needs and power stations in space that could radiate energy down to earth. Bowman goes on to explain that, while those predictions have not exactly come to fruition, GE is on the forefront of “working to make power more portable, pushing efficiencies and energy densities, and increase ease of use.”

GE is working hard on big ideas on a large scale. The GE law department, however, is finding a lot of value from the opposite.

GE’s Pitch to Ease Data Pain