With the new Conservative Government facing the tough challenge of governing with a small majority, leading lawyers imagine their priorities if they were in David Cameron’s shoes and point to which legislation should be scrapped, reformed and introduced

ingram-kevin-master-2013Kevin Ingram, banking and finance partner, Clifford Chance

  • Keep:
    I would maintain the overseas aid budget – I think that’s really important.
  • Scrap:
    I would definitely get rid of the bedroom tax – I think that’s appalling. I would also change the GCSE exam system and A-levels. It’s a mess; both my children are in the middle of them.
  • Amend:
    The pupil premium doesn’t work, but I think the idea of providing money at the low end does. I would amend it by changing the formula and/or increasing the amount. I think the basic idea that you need to provide more support for children in the lower income bracket is a good one.