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May 21, 2021 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Murtha Cullina Welcomes New Associates

Two new associates have joined Murtha Cullina in New Haven, along with two more in Boston
2 minute read
May 21, 2021 | New York Law Journal

From Super Lawyers to Stealing Clients: Recent Developments in Professional Responsibility

In this edition of his Professional Responsibility column, Anthony E. Davis reviews a number of recent developments touching on diverse parts of the professional responsibility universe, from conflicts of interest issues, to a case that considers when departing lawyers tortiously interfere with their former firm's business, to the latest legislative efforts to remedy the inequitable treatment of New York lawyers who reside outside the state.
10 minute read
May 21, 2021 | Pro Mid Market

Mid-Market Recap: Midsize Firms Have A Competitive Edge in Remote Work—But Perhaps Not For Long

Agility allows midsize firms to act more decisively in a time with so little certainty, giving these smaller firms a unique advantage. But, as Big Law sorts itself out, that edge might not last.
5 minute read
May 21, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Gibson Dunn Entitled to Arbitrator's $700K Award for Unpaid Legal Fees, Appeals Court Rules

"Even if the arbitrator had made an error of law or fact in concluding that [World Class Capital] had breached the retainer agreements, this alone would not justify vacating the award," wrote the Appellate Division, First Department in ruling for Gibson Dunn.
5 minute read
May 21, 2021 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Write Your Appellate Briefs for the Court, Not Your Client, and Other Tips for Effective Arguments

Remember, your job is to win cases, not to antagonize the judges
4 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book Pennsylvania Causes of Action, 12th Edition Authors: GAETAN J. ALFANO, RONALD J. SHAFFER, JOSHUA C. COHAN View this Book

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May 21, 2021 |

Chicago Law School Sends SCOTUS Heavyweight John Marshall Packing

The University of Illinois Chicago John Marshall Law School will become the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law on July 1, after an inquiry into U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Marshall's legacy.
5 minute read
May 21, 2021 | New York Law Journal

The Cause-in-Fact Medical Malpractice Defense

In his Medical Malpractice column, John L.A. Lyddane discusses the cause-in-fact defense, which is describes as underemployed in medical malpractice cases tried in New York courts. The distinction between cause-in-fact, also referred to as "actual cause", and proximate cause is frequently important enough to present this defense opportunity for the malpractice defendant where situationally appropriate.
8 minute read
May 21, 2021 | Daily Report Online

How a Snakebite Led to a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

"People need to know about this," said Jeff Harris of Harris Lowry Manton. "It's just so rare today for anyone to die of a snakebite."
3 minute read
May 21, 2021 | Daily Business Review

Florida Judge to Get Public Reprimand After Trying to Influence Judicial Candidate

Knowing his actions were inappropriate, the judge took full responsibility and cooperated with JQC through the full investigation, according to court filings.
3 minute read
May 21, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

In Municipal Court, the Times They Are A-Changin'

Seemingly, nothing less than a catastrophic event, some natural disaster, would have had to occur before it would be possible to disabuse us of the concept of "home rule" in our municipal court system. But that event did occur—the coronavirus pandemic.
5 minute read