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May 27, 2021 | New York Law Journal

Hagai Zaifman Joins Sidley Austin from White & Case

And other announcements of recent hirings and promotions of New York attorneys.
2 minute read
May 27, 2021 |

How Lawyers Will Fill the (Billable) Hours

Billable hours are no doubt an effective way to measure how busy a lawyer is, and, if your revenue comes mainly from billing hours, to measure a person's contribution to the firm's top line. But some firms are increasingly looking for other ways to quantify the work they do for clients.
8 minute read
May 27, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer

Is Driving With a UTI Like a DUI? Pa. Plaintiffs Lawyers Seek to Blaze New Path to Punitive Damages

Jason Mattioli and Michael Ossont of the Mattioli Law Firm in Scranton have just survived an important step in the process of seeking punitive damages on a novel basis: driving with a urinary tract infection.
3 minute read
May 27, 2021 |

Federal Judges Are Asking More—and Earlier—Questions About Class Action Settlements

Federal judges are asking more questions prior to granting preliminary approval of class action settlements, partly due to 2018 rules changes, but also as lawyers have become more creative in how they structure such agreements. One example: The $2 billion Roundup settlement that a judge rejected this week.
8 minute read
May 27, 2021 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Lawyers: Employers Have Advantage When It Comes to COVID-19 Workplace Vaccinations

Two Connecticut lawyers and one Texas employment attorney speak out on workplace vaccination policies and whether they see litigation from the issue.
5 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book Wrongful Use of Civil Proceedings and Related Torts in Pennsylvania, Second Edition Authors: George Bochetto, David P. Heim, John A. O’Connell, Robert S. Tintner View this Book

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May 27, 2021 | The Recorder

Plaintiffs Firms Pile on Intel in Lawsuit Over Defective Processors

A class action brought by 10 plaintiffs firms contends Intel sacrificed the security of its processors in favor of gaining an edge on Advanced Micro Devices Inc.
2 minute read
May 27, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

Good News for Law Professor Accused of Unauthorized Practice of Law

The scope of the ethics investigation and the import of the letter are unclear, since the report that accompanied the letter remains confidential.
4 minute read
May 27, 2021 | The Recorder

Sotomayor's 3 Pieces of Advice for Graduating Law Students

"Procedure can matter as much as the substance of the claims themselves. No one recognized that more clearly than my dear colleague Ruth Bader Ginsburg," Sotomayor told Yale Law School graduates.
4 minute read
May 27, 2021 | National Law Journal

Sotomayor's 3 Pieces of Advice for Graduating Law Students

"Procedure can matter as much as the substance of the claims themselves. No one recognized that more clearly than my dear colleague Ruth Bader Ginsburg," Sotomayor told Yale Law School graduates.
4 minute read
May 27, 2021 | Daily Business Review

Miami Attorney Lands $4.9 Million Jury Verdict in Decade-Long Litigation

"I never had to retry a case once, let alone twice, let alone a third time," said Juan P. Bauta, a partner at the Ferraro Law Firm.
4 minute read