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<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/><br/><b>NOTICE<br/><br/></b> NOTICE
AD NUMBER 0000605187-01

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida announces the following Board Policy action will be taken at its meeting on:

AUGUST 15, 2022
1:00 P.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

To Adopt New Board Policy 7540.07, Instructional Mobile Devices, and to amend Board Policy 7310, Disposition of Surplus Property. Board Policy 7540.07, Instructional Mobile Devices, is recommended for adoption to govern ownership and responsible use, distribution, tracking, collection, and disposal/disposition of Instructional Mobile Devices (IMDs). Additionally, under certain conditions, recycling is an appropriate form of disposal of IMDs, and the new policy will conform to current District practices for the disposition of student IMDs, align with Policy 7460, Conservation of Natural and Material Resources, and uphold the District’s Clean Energy Taskforce’s recommendation of diverting 50% of all school waste from landfill through recycling by 2026. The proposed amendments to Policy 7310, Disposition of Surplus Property, clarify that the disposition of IMDs will be governed by newly adopted Policy 7540.07.

Specific Authority: Sections 1001.41 (1), (2), 1001.43 (2), (3). Fla. Stat.
Laws Implemented, Interpreted, or Made Specific: Chapter 274, Fla. Stat.; Sections 1006.28(4)(b), 1006.42, 1013.28, Fla. Stat.; Fla. Admin. Code r. 69I-73.005.

To Amend Board Policies 8405, School Safety, and 8410, Emergency Management, Preparedness, and Response, to implement changes to the State Board of Education Rule 6A-1.0018, School Safety Requirements and Monitoring, as well as to conform the policies to current District practices. The proposed amendments to Board Policy 8405, School Safety, include: (1) clarifying the responsibility of school administrators to determine if additional safe-school officers are needed for extra-curricular and after-school events by considering pertinent safety factors and making the request to Miami-Dade Schools Police through their Region; (2) specifying that the District must maintain current listings of mobile panic alert systems implemented by all public schools, including charter schools, within the District, and update the information within five (5) school days of a school opening or closing, or when any other change occurs that impacts the accuracy of the information provided by the District to the Office of Safe Schools; (3) requiring charter schools within the District to maintain current listings of mobile panic alert systems implemented, provide the required information to the District in accordance with District directives, and update the information to the District within two (2) school days of a school opening or closing, or when any other change occurs that impacts the accuracy of the information provided by the District to the Office of Safe Schools. Board Policy 8405, School Safety, and Board Policy 8410, Emergency Management, Preparedness, and Response, are proposed for amendment to specify that the District’s "Alyssa’s Alert" mobile panic alert system includes a technology application with a mobile panic alert button for use by employees. The policies require school administrators to download and sign up for the application/mobile panic alert button.

Specific Authority: Fla. Stat. §§ 1001.41 (1), (2), 1001.43(1), (7).
Laws Implemented, Interpreted, or Made Specific: Fla. Stat. § 1006.12; 1006.07(4)(c); Fla. Admin. Code r. 6A-1.0018.

If requested, a Hearing will be held during the August 15, 2022 School Board meeting. Persons requesting such a hearing must submit a written request to the Superintendent of Schools, Room 912, same address as above, by July 20, 2022. The policy will be effective upon filing with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida on August 15, 2022. A person wishing to appeal any decision made by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, with respect to any action on this policy should ensure the preparation of a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Copies of the policy and the notice of intended action are available to the public for inspection and copying at cost in the Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Miami, Florida.

Dr. Jose L. Dotres
Superintendent of Schools
6/27 22-98/0000605187M

<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/><br/><b>ANNOUNCEMENT<br/><br/></b> ANNOUNCEMENT
AD NUMBER 0000601804-01

Pursuant to its Policies, The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida announces that proposed Board member resolutions, endorsements, and proclamations will be presented at 11:00 a.m. Upon vote being taken, the Board will recess to present the approved resolutions, endorsements, and proclamations, to which all persons are invited:

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces a
June 22, 2022
11:00 A.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

The Board will then reconvene the regular public meeting, including other hearings, in accordance with the Policies of the Board, to which all persons are invited:

1:00 P.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

PURPOSE: To consider approval of minutes, bid opening lists, items submitted by the Superintendent, School Board Members, School Board Attorney, and other pertinent matters. A copy of the agenda will be available no later than 11:00 a.m., Monday, June 13, 2022. The agenda can be viewed by accessing the website under the Published Agendas link in the navigation on the left side of the page. A copy of the agenda will also be available at Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue. For further information, telephone 305-995-1128. PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM listed for this meeting and/or the REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING should submit a written request to the Superintendent of Schools, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Room 102, Miami, Florida 33132 or via-email, [email protected], NO LATER THAN 4:30 P.M., TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2022. A person wishing to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting (hearing) should ensure the preparation of a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

The public hearing shall begin no later than approximately 6:30 p.m. The Chair may begin calling speakers who are present immediately following the conclusion of the regular agenda. The public hearing shall not conclude before 4:30 p.m., unless all of the speakers signed up to speak are present and have been given the opportunity to speak.

Under extraordinary circumstances, the Board may approve an individual Board member’s request to access, participate in, and to vote at this meeting utilizing communications media technology.

The public may view or read the Closed Captioning of the Regular School Board Meeting and Public Hearing which can be found by accessing and clicking on the Web Simulcast button in the navigation on the left side of the page.

Dr. Jose L. Dotres
Superintendent of Schools
6/13 22-01/0000601804M

<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/><br/><b>NOTICE<br/><br/></b> NOTICE
AD NUMBER 0000599099-01

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida announces the following Board Policy action will be taken at its meeting on:

JUNE 22, 2022
1:00 P.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

To Amend Board Policy 2431, Interscholastic Athletics, to clarify that individual Miami-Dade County Public School high schools may become members of and be governed by the FHSAA. If a school is an FHSAA member, all students in the school are required to comply with the FHSAA eligibility rules. The amendments clarify that the Board may support the FHSAA’s program through policy and principles and that the Greater Miami Athletic Conference (GMAC) will manage all athletic events in the District in accordance with any applicable policies.

Specific Authority: Sections 1001.41 (1), (2), Fla. Stat.
Laws Implemented, Interpreted, or Made Specific: Section 1006.20(1), Fla. Stat.

If requested, a Hearing will be held during the June 22, 2022 School Board meeting. Persons requesting such a hearing must submit a written request to the Superintendent of Schools, Room 912, same address as above, by June 15, 2022. The policy will be effective upon filing with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida on June 22, 2022. A person wishing to appeal any decision made by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, with respect to any action on this policy should ensure the preparation of a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Copies of the policy and the notice of intended action are available to the public for inspection and copying at cost in the Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Miami, Florida.

Dr. Jose L. Dotres
Superintendent of Schools
5/23 22-123/0000599099M

<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/><br/><b>ANNOUNCEMENT<br/><br/></b><b><u>The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces</u> <br/></b>in accordance with the Policies of the Board, <br/><b><u>A Board Workshop <br/>May 18, 2022 <br/>9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. <br/>School Board Auditorium <br/>1450 N.E. Second Avenue <br/>Miami, Florida 33132</b></u> <br/><br/> ANNOUNCEMENT The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces in accordance with the Policies of the Board, A Board Workshop May 18, 2022 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. School Board Auditorium 1450 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132
CATEGORY Misc Other Notice FL
AD NUMBER 0000596560-01

PURPOSE: To discuss the 2022-2023 District budget. A copy of the workshop agenda will be made available by 9:00 a.m., May 11, 2022, Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33132. For further information, telephone 305-995-1128. Under extraordinary circumstances, the Board may approve an individual Board member’s request to access, participate in, and to vote at this meeting utilizing communications media technology.

The public may view or read the Closed Captioning of the School Board Workshop by visiting and clicking on the Web Simulcast button in the navigation on the left side of the page.
5/11 22-33/0000596560M

<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/><br/><b>ANNOUNCEMENT <br/><br/></b> ANNOUNCEMENT
AD NUMBER 0000596148-01

Pursuant to its Policies, The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida announces that proposed Board member resolutions, endorsements, and proclamations will be presented at 11:00 a.m. Upon vote being taken, the Board will recess to present the approved resolutions, endorsements, and proclamations, to which all persons are invited:

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces a
May 18, 2022
11:00 A.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

The Board will then reconvene the regular public meeting, including other hearings, in accordance with the Policies of the Board, to which all persons are invited:

1:00 P.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

PURPOSE: To consider approval of minutes, bid opening lists, items submitted by the Superintendent, School Board Members, School Board Attorney, and other pertinent matters. A copy of the agenda will be available no later than 11:00 a.m., Monday, May 9, 2022. The agenda can be viewed by accessing the website under the Published Agendas link in the navigation on the left side of the page. A copy of the agenda will also be available at Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue. For further information, telephone 305-995-1128. PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM listed for this meeting and/or the REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING should submit a written request to the Superintendent of Schools, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Room 102, Miami, Florida 33132 or via-email, [email protected], NO LATER THAN 4:30 P.M., MONDAY, MAY 16, 2022. A person wishing to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting (hearing) should ensure the preparation of a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

The public hearing shall begin no later than approximately 6:30 p.m. The Chair may begin calling speakers who are present immediately following the conclusion of the regular agenda. The public hearing shall not conclude before 4:30 p.m., unless all of the speakers signed up to speak are present and have been given the opportunity to speak.

Under extraordinary circumstances, the Board may approve an individual Board member’s request to access, participate in, and to vote at this meeting utilizing communications media technology.

The public may view or read the Closed Captioning of the School Board Workshop and Regular School Board Meeting and Public Hearing which can be found by accessing and clicking on the Web Simulcast button in the navigation on the left side of the page.

Any person may present live comments by attending the School Board Administration Building’s Auditorium, 1450 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33132. Miami-Dade County Public Schools encourages the use of facial coverings while indoors.

Dr. Jose L. Dotres
Superintendent of Schools
5/9 22-102/0000596148M

<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/><br/><b>ANNOUNCEMENT<br/><br/></b><b><u>The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces<br/></b></u>in accordance with the Policies of the Board,<br/><b><u>A Board Workshop<br/>May 11, 2022<br/>9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.<br/>School Board Administration Building<br/>Suite #726<br/>1450 N.E. Second Avenue<br/>Miami, Florida 33132<br/><br/></b></u> ANNOUNCEMENT The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces in accordance with the Policies of the Board, A Board Workshop May 11, 2022 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. School Board Administration Building Suite #726 1450 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132
CATEGORY Misc Other Notice FL
AD NUMBER 0000594783-01

PURPOSE: To discuss matters related to Secure Our Future+ Task Force and referendum renewal. A copy of the workshop agenda will be made available by 9:00 a.m., May 4, 2022, Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33132. For further information, telephone 305-995-1128. Under extraordinary circumstances, the Board may approve an individual Board member’s request to access, participate in, and to vote at this meeting utilizing communications media technology.

The public may view or read the Closed Captioning of the School Board Workshop by visiting and clicking on the Web Simulcast button in the navigation on the left side of the page.
5/4 22-24/0000594783M

<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/><br/><b>NOTICE OF CANCELLATION<br/><br/></b> NOTICE OF CANCELLATION
AD NUMBER 0000592680-01

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces that the Special School Board Meeting scheduled in the School Board Administration Building Auditorium, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Miami, Florida 33132, for Friday April 22, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., has been cancelled.

Dr. Jose L. Dotres
Superintendent of Schools

4/21 22-51/0000592680M

<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/><br/><b>NOTICE<br/><br/></b><b><u>The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces a<br/>SPECIAL BOARD MEETING<br/>April 22, 2022<br/>11:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.<br/></u>School Board Auditorium<br/>1450 N.E. Second Avenue<br/>Miami, Florida 33132<br/><br/></b> NOTICE The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces a SPECIAL BOARD MEETING April 22, 2022 11:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. School Board Auditorium 1450 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132
AD NUMBER 0000592431-01

PURPOSE: To discuss Instructional Materials. This Special Meeting conducted by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, is provided in accordance with Section 1001.372, Florida Statutes. There may be action by the Board on other items such as Personnel, Finance, and other programs. A copy of the agenda will be available no later than 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, April 20, 2022. The agenda can be viewed by accessing the website under the Published Agendas link in the navigation on the left side of the page. A copy of the agenda will also be available at Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue. For further information, telephone 305-995-1128. PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM listed for this meeting should submit a written request to the Superintendent of Schools, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Room 102, Miami, Florida 33132 or via-email, [email protected], NO LATER THAN NOON, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2022. A person wishing to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting (hearing) should ensure the preparation of a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

Under extraordinary circumstances, the Board may approve an individual Board member’s request to access, participate in, and to vote at this meeting utilizing communications media technology

The public may view or read the Closed Captioning of the Special School Board Meeting which can be found by accessing and clicking on the Web Simulcast button in the navigation on the left side of the page.
4/20 22-49/0000592431M

<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/><br/><b>NOTICE<br/><br/></b> NOTICE
AD NUMBER 0000591976-01

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida announces the following Board Policy action will be taken at its meeting on:

MAY 18, 2022
1:00 P.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

To Amend Board Policies 5120, Student School Assignment and Attendance Boundary Committee, to establish attendance zones for elementary and secondary schools for the 2022-2023 school year which are in the best interest of students and better utilize existing student stations.

Specific Authority: 1001.41(1) (2); 1001.42(10); F.S.
Laws Implemented, Interpreted, or Made Specific: 1000.05; 1001.42(4),(10); 1001.49(3); 1003.06, F.S.

To Amend Board Policies 8210, School Calendars, to observe Juneteenth as a Board-approved holiday leave day. Juneteenth honors the end of slavery in the United States and is considered the longest-running African American holiday. On June 17, 2021, it officially became a federal holiday. The policy amendments specify that Juneteenth will be observed as a Board-approved holiday leave day.

Specific Authority: 1001.41 (1), (2), F.S.
Laws Implemented, Interpreted, or Made Specific: 1001.42(4)(g), (5); 1001.43(11); 1011.60(3)(d); 1012.66, (4), F.S.

If requested, a Hearing will be held during the May 18, 2022 School Board meeting. Persons requesting such a hearing must submit a written request to the Superintendent of Schools, Room 912, same address as above, by May 10, 2022. The policy will be effective upon filing with The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida on May 18, 2022. A person wishing to appeal any decision made by The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, with respect to any action on this policy should ensure the preparation of a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Copies of the policy and the notice of intended action are available to the public for inspection and copying at cost in the Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Miami, Florida.

Dr. Jose L. Dotres
Superintendent of Schools
4/18 22-46/0000591976M

<p ><a href=><img src= /></a><br/> <p ><b>ANNOUNCEMENT<br/><br/></b> ANNOUNCEMENT
CATEGORY Misc Other Notice FL
AD NUMBER 0000589292-01

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida announces a conference session on:

April 13, 2022
10:00 A.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

Attendance Boundaries for 2022-2023 is the subject of the scheduled conference session. A copy of the conference session agenda will be available after 10:00 a.m., April 4, 2022, Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue.

Pursuant to its Policies, The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida announces that proposed Board member resolutions, endorsements, and proclamations will be presented at 11:00 a.m. Upon vote being taken, the Board will recess to present the approved resolutions, endorsements, and proclamations, to which all persons are invited:

The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, announces a
April 13, 2022
11:00 A.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

The Board will then reconvene the regular public meeting, including other hearings, in accordance with the Policies of the Board, to which all persons are invited:

1:00 P.M.
School Board Auditorium
1450 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami, Florida 33132

PURPOSE: To consider approval of minutes, bid opening lists, items submitted by the Superintendent, School Board Members, School Board Attorney, and other pertinent matters. A copy of the agenda will be available no later than 11:00 a.m., Monday, April 4, 2022. The agenda can be viewed by accessing the website under the Published Agendas link in the navigation on the left side of the page. A copy of the agenda will also be available at Citizen Information Center, Room 102, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue. For further information, telephone 305-995-1128. PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK TO AN AGENDA ITEM listed for this meeting and/or the REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING should submit a written request to the Superintendent of Schools, 1450 N.E. Second Avenue, Room 102, Miami, Florida 33132 or via-email, [email protected], NO LATER THAN 4:30 P.M., MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2022. A person wishing to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at this meeting (hearing) should ensure the preparation of a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

The public hearing shall begin no later than approximately 6:30 p.m. The Chair may begin calling speakers who are present immediately following the conclusion of the regular agenda. The public hearing shall not conclude before 4:30 p.m., unless all of the speakers signed up to speak are present and have been given the opportunity to speak.

Under extraordinary circumstances, the Board may approve an individual Board member’s request to access, participate in, and to vote at this meeting utilizing communications media technology.

The public may view or read the Closed Captioning of the Regular School Board Meeting and Public Hearing which can be found by accessing and clicking on the Web Simulcast button in the navigation on the left side of the page.

Any person may present live comments by attending the School Board Administration Building’s Auditorium, 1450 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33132. Miami-Dade County Public Schools encourages the use of facial coverings while indoors.

Dr. Jose L. Dotres
Superintendent of Schools
4/4 22-40/0000589292M