Marcia Coyle

Marcia Coyle

Marcia Coyle, based in Washington, covers the U.S. Supreme Court. Contact her at [email protected]. On Twitter: @MarciaCoyle

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October 18, 2021 | National Law Journal

Will Justices Step Into Second Major Abortion Battle This Term?

The U.S. Supreme Court generally dislikes skipping review of cases by federal appellate courts, but the U.S. Justice Department's challenge to Texas's six-week abortion ban and a related case could join the relatively small number of cases where it has taken that step.

By Marcia Coyle

5 minute read

October 18, 2021 | National Law Journal

'Clearly Unconstitutional': DOJ Wants SCOTUS to Rule on Texas Abortion Law Now

The Biden administration asked the justices to block enforcement of Texas' six-week abortion ban and to decide whether the law is constitutional after briefing and argument in the current term.

By Marcia Coyle

5 minute read

October 15, 2021 | National Law Journal

Big Law Steps Up in Supreme Court's Major Gun Rights Challenge

Big law has turned out in force in more than 80 friend-of-the-court briefs submitted in the U.S. Supreme Court's major gun rights case in the new term.

By Marcia Coyle

5 minute read

October 14, 2021 | National Law Journal

Biden's Supreme Court Commission Goes Public With Draft Findings

"The highly polarized politics of the current era threatens to transform this already high-stakes process into one that is badly broken," the commission said in its draft discussion papers.

By Marcia Coyle | Jacqueline Thomsen

6 minute read

October 13, 2021 | National Law Journal

Kagan, Kavanaugh Clash Reflects Divide in Marathon Bomber Case

A brief clash between Justices Elena Kagan and Brett Kavanaugh during arguments in the Boston Marathon bombing case reflected the court's ideological divide, with the six conservatives appearing more sympathetic to the government than the three justices on the left.

By Marcia Coyle

4 minute read

October 12, 2021 | National Law Journal

After More Than a Decade, Justices Show New Interest in Limits on Punitive Damages

The U.S. Supreme Court has called on the solicitor general for that office's views on whether to review a punitive damages award imposed under Wisconsin's statutory cap.

By Marcia Coyle

3 minute read

October 12, 2021 |

At the Lectern | An Under-the-Radar Abortion Case | Judges on SCOTUS Term Limits

The nine advocates this week include five former Supreme Court clerks, and three others stepping to the lectern for the first time.

By Marcia Coyle

9 minute read

October 07, 2021 | National Law Journal

Justices Soon Will Face Hard Questions, More Controversy, When Texas Abortion Ban Returns

The Texas law banning abortions after six weeks will swiftly return to the U.S. Supreme Court, once again thrusting the justices and their so-called shadow docket into the public sphere.

By Marcia Coyle

5 minute read

October 06, 2021 | National Law Journal

Justice Gorsuch Struggles to Get a 'Straight Answer' From Government Lawyer in State Secrets Case

"I'm asking much more directly, and I'd just really appreciate a straight answer to this," Gorsuch said at one point.

By Marcia Coyle

5 minute read

October 06, 2021 | Supreme Court Brief

State Secrets | Originalism & Stare Decisis | Abolish the Court?

The Supreme Court has not heard arguments in a state secrets case in a decade, but this term, the justices will hear two

By Marcia Coyle

7 minute read