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Missouri State CLE Bundles

Build a Customized Missouri Course Bundle

Build your own bundle with our approved courses to satisfy your Missouri MCLE requirements

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6 credits
Build Your Missouri Bundle
The State Bar of Missouri allows attorneys to earn 6 self-study credit hours on No self-study credits can be applied toward ethics, malpractice or professionalism credits. 

With the Missouri Bundle, you can complete all six (6) allowable self-study MCLE hours towards fulfilling your Missouri State Bar requirements. This bundle option allows you to select the courses you want to take from our M


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See all individual Missouri CLE Courses available Click here to learn about your CLE requirements

Missouri Requirements

General - 13 hours
Ethics - 2 hours

Missouri Reporting Date Rule

CLE Compliance Deadline: June 30th every year
CLE Reporting Deadline: July 31st every year

Missouri attorneys must self-report their credits on their Annual Report of Compliance.

Missouri Compliance Date

June 30
Every year

Missouri Credits Attorney Can Earn on

Missouri attorneys may earn six (6) self-study credit hours on No self-study credits can be applied toward Ethics, Malpractice or Professionalism credits.

Carry Over Credits Rule: Attorneys can carry over excess LIVE credits earned, including Ethics into the next reporting year. Self-Study credits cannot be carried over.

Missouri Additional Information

The State Bar of Missouri
Tel: (573) 635-2233