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Texas (TX) In House Counsel CLE Course Catalog

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All CLE Courses For Texas (TX) In House Counsel

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60 minutes
Thinking Like A Client: What Every Law Firm Lawyer Should Know
Law schools, law firms and other CLE programs teach you how to “Think Like A Lawyer,” but succeeding in a law firm environment also requires you to “Think Like A Client” so that your clients will like and respect you, and ideally, want to hire you again and again.  Having spent more than twenty-five years as a law firm litigator, an in-house lawyer and now as a client, Zach McGee offers law firm lawyers at every level sage advice on what you should be doing -- and what you should not be doing -- to put your best foot forward when working with your clients.

New Media Legal


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57 minutes
Transactional Integration & Due Diligence: M&A Deals From Start to Finish
Join us as we explore the complexities and regulations surrounding M&A deals from transactional due diligence to integration. Our subject matter experts in this session will examine each step of the process from the perspectives of both the acquirer and the acquired.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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61 minutes
Creating Win-Win Outside Counsel Relationships
While outside legal spend remains a top concern for most GCs, one thing remains clear the relationship between in-house and outside Outside counsel - how to actually listen to your inside counsel and help you figure out what clients want and how to deliver (and visa versa for in house - both sides) Getting the most out of that relationship Ruthlessly managing outside counsel budgets - how to propose alt fee arrangements - setting expectations properly, how to review bills - open conversations developing relationships with outside counsel without feeling like everything will be a bill - a chilling effect Meaningful ways of developing relationships Balance How to help them create the comfort level, relationships aren't billed for Controlling costs How to teach outside counsel how to give advice to in house - saves money, trust them, benefits - gap of outside counsel to be trained to do that so there's less back and forth Interactions with outside counsel/managing relationships

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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60 minutes
The Role of Legal Leaders in International Business Relations
As business continues to evolve into a more globalized workforce, GCs are being tasked with setting up international offices, aligning resources and coverage, and deciding where to build out legal teams. Understanding cross borders Communications and cultural differences have become business essential, not just to get deals done, but also to maintain strong cross-border partnerships. Join our panelists as they discuss the role of legal in international relations, and share their expertise and lived experiences with all international business dealings.

Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference


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