Lisa Shuchman

Lisa Shuchman

Lisa Shuchman is Executive Editor of International. At ALM she has also worked for The American Lawyer and Corporate Counsel. Prior to joining ALM, she worked in Japan for The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, and in the U.S. for the Associated Press, The Industry Standard, and regional newspapers. She received a B.A. from Wesleyan University and an M.S. from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism. Contact her at [email protected]. On Twitter: @LisaLawReporter.

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September 28, 2021 | International Edition

Nominations Now Open for the 2022 Asia Legal Awards

The awards will honor the top lawyers, law firms, and in-house teams across Asia for their great achievements in what has been an unprecedented year.

By Lisa Shuchman

2 minute read

September 27, 2021 | International Edition

Beyond the Numbers in the Global 200

Numbers don't always tell the whole story so The Global Lawyer this week attempts to flesh out the data in The Global 200.

By Lisa Shuchman

9 minute read

September 12, 2021 | International Edition

The Global Lawyer: The Legal Industry's Time for Reflection, Renewal and Change

As we embark on a season of renewal, many law firms around the globe are reopening their doors and welcoming staff back into the office. But it is also a time for reflection, as the world marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and the legal industry considers the impact that global events have on their work.

By Lisa Shuchman

8 minute read

August 24, 2021 | International Edition

Hong Kong Law Society Candidate Withdraws From Council Election Citing Threats to Safety

Jonathan Ross, who has been a Hong Kong Law Society council member since 2017, has withdrawn his candidacy due to alleged threats.

By International Staff

3 minute read

August 24, 2021 | International Edition

How China's Bilateral Investment Treaty Obligations Could Limit the Impact of its Anti-Foreign Sanction Law

In an era of competing sanction regimes, bilateral investment treaties could be a lifesaver for companies that are targeted by China's anti-foreign sanction law, two Kobre & Kim lawyers say.

By Wade Weems and Chang Liu, Kobre & Kim

6 minute read

July 26, 2021 | International Edition

The Remote Work Controversy: Can the Tail Wag the Dog?

The debate over remote work comes down to a reckoning of how much transformation the legal industry has really embraced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

By Lisa Shuchman

11 minute read

July 16, 2021 | International Edition

Hong Kong-China Cross Border Insolvency Agreement Gives Creditors Greater Access to Assets in China

As a result of a recent signing between Hong Kong and Chinese officials, assets tied up in China that were previously hard to reach may be more readily accessible to creditors outside of the PRC.

By John Han, Jason Kang and Gabrielle Liu, Kobre & Kim

5 minute read

July 12, 2021 | International Edition

The Global Lawyer: Is Europe the Land of Opportunity for Big Law?

Asia may still be the market with major growth potential, but it appears from recent events that Europe is the place to be.

By Lisa Shuchman

9 minute read

July 06, 2021 | International Edition

International Arbitration is Under Fire, With Commercial Litigation Funding Also in the Crosshairs

The arbitration clauses in bilateral investment treaties that allow for investor-state arbitrations are under threat—largely because of ESG concerns. But Delta Capital Partners founder and CEO Christopher DeLise says investor-state arbitration is a successful institution and these concerns are unfounded.

By Christopher DeLise

5 minute read

June 14, 2021 | International Edition

The Global Lawyer: Are Lawyers Still Driven by the Dollar (or Pound or Euro)?

The 2021 raise race has begun in the U.S. but will top talent consider more than just money this time when deciding where to go?

By Lisa Shuchman

9 minute read