A humble lawyer? Isn’t that an oxymoron? For many it is. For others, however, it is a powerful key to success in both the legal field and life. Far too often, people equate humility with being weak or poor. But a “humble lawyer” is not synonymous with a weak advocate. Indeed, the two concepts are at polar extremes.

Who is a humble lawyer? In simplest terms, a humble lawyer is someone who is teachable. A humble lawyer is one who is “quick to observe.” He or she watches others and learns from both their successes and failures. A humble lawyer honestly looks at himself or herself, identifies his or her own weaknesses and then diligently seeks to overcome those faults. A humble lawyer is someone who is strong enough to forcefully advocate a client’s position while simultaneously having the strength to concede the weaknesses of the argument that is advocated. A humble lawyer is someone who is honest and strong enough to admit up front when a mistake has been made and then do all in his or her power to remedy the error. A humble lawyer is someone who has the personal strength to not let himself or herself lose control and say or do things in the heat of the moment that may ultimately impart a crucial advantage to opposing counsel.