“Imagination is more important than science,” said Albert Einstein. As usual, Al knew what he was talking about — the mind can do amazing feats when it truly believes something. Some schizophrenic patients so firmly believe they are two different people that they actually change eye color and make birthmarks appear and disappear on their skin as they switch personalities. Pure mind power can make many things come true. No, it won’t make you win the lottery, but it can certainly be all-powerful on one person’s behavior — you.

One interesting fact about the mind is that, per se, the brain has absolutely no actual connection to reality. It relies on chemical signals from other organs to decide what’s happening out there. Picture this — if one interrupted the input of the other organs, the brain would be so thoroughly oblivious to everything, that one could be opening the skull and working on the brain itself, and it would have no way of knowing it, remaining blissfully unaware of the proceedings (this is exactly what general anesthesia does).