My husband and I have done a great job divvying up our household tasks over the years. He’s responsible for the stereotypical man-chores: taking out the garbage, mowing the lawn, shoveling the snow and making sure the cars get an oil change after 3,000 miles–to name a few. Some of my chores include filling and emptying the dishwasher, sorting and starting the laundry, and tending to the baby in just about every way imaginable. Also among my responsibilities is the one most consistently dreaded throughout every household in the world: bills.

Sitting down at my computer and paying bills once a month isn’t something I look forward to. But lately, it’s been particularly painful. Yesterday, I gathered up the bills, sat down in my cushy chair, grabbed my laptop and got to work. With each bill I added to the online bill-pay page, the total grew larger and I grew increasingly depressed.