Like most of the world right now, so many of my lawyer clients are struggling with how to stay fit, active and sane while sheltering in place. Most gyms remain closed and where they are open a lot of folks are still fearful of returning. Everyone is working longer hours, spending too much time hunched over a computer or device. Sometimes the only steps they get are walking to the refrigerator for yet another “quarantine snack” they don’t need.

So many have turned (or returned) to running for relief. Running is a great tool in all this that doesn’t require fancy equipment or apps. All you need is a good pair of shoes (and mostly likely a PPE/mask). But with all the increased sitting it’s important to prep your body appropriately before you dive in. Those who don’t know how to warm up or are just too stubborn to do it (lawyers, stubborn?! No way!) often get nasty pains in their knees, hips or backs or more long term injuries like tendonitis or plantar fasciitis which benches them.