Welcome to Skilled in the Art. I’m Law.com IP reporter Scott Graham. The Federal Trade Commission has now formally asked Judge Lucy Koh not to stay her antitrust injunction against Qualcomm, with LG Electronics offering the perspective of a would-be competitor. I expect a decision in about five minutes. Meanwhile, the DOJ has had its say on a related consumer class action, and if antitrust chief Makan Delrahim was recused from Qualcomm matters before … well, he isn’t now. Please lend me a few minutes, email me your own thoughts and follow me on Twitter.

FTC to Koh: Keep 5G Competitive

U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh‘s blockbuster antitrust ruling in FTC v. Qualcommcould reshape the wireless communications industry for years to come. But even the imminent decision on whether to stay her ruling pending appeal could implicate hundreds of millions in modem chip licensing fees.