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In Culmination of U.S. Discovery Efforts, Chevron Files RICO Suit Against Donziger, Ecuadorian Plaintiffs, and Expert Consultants
Publication Date: 2011-02-02
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The suit names a host of U.S. law firms as non-defendant co-conspirators in a fraudulent scheme to shake a multibillion-dollar settlement from Chevron. The oil company wants a declaratory judgment that any award against it from the Ecuadorian court is unenforceable.

October 28, 2011 |

Panel Backs SEPTA Claim of Sovereign Immunity in Bus Accident

Plaintiffs may not recover damages from SEPTA in a case where a man alleged he was injured while on a stopped bus when it was rear-ended by an uninsured motorist, a three-judge Commonwealth Court panel has ruled.
4 minute read
August 16, 2006 |

Consumer Lawsuits Against Credit Bureaus Are Multiplying

The nation's top three credit bureaus are facing a growing number of lawsuits filed by consumers who claim that the bureaus -- Equifax, TransUnion and Experian -- are engaging in a practice that artificially lowers their credit scores, and that they are ignoring pleas to remove inaccurate information from the reports. Fears about identity theft are making consumers more vigilant about spotting errors, and some plaintiffs lawyers say corrections come only after a lawsuit is filed.
8 minute read
June 21, 2010 |


Tie-breaker? A move's afoot to bring retired Supreme Court justices back to the high court bench when a recusal could result in the dreaded 4-4 split. Also in this week's Inadmissible: Cobell extensions may run out of time; Dawn Johnsen's first public remarks since her failed nomination; a DOJ reunion of sorts; Chamber steps up fight against McConnell; judge seeks speedy justice on Wone trail; and a lobby shop Thais one on.
4 minute read
April 05, 1999 |

Tempting Work

Psst. Wanna make up to $175 an hour and name your own hours? This is not an infomercial come-on or a hallucination brought on by an all-nighter. It's a real job description that attracts former partners, Fortune 500 counsel and at least one assistant attorney general of the United States. It's called temping.
9 minute read
October 19, 2010 |

Trial Lawyers Hold Steady in Backing Dems

Trial lawyers are holding steady as one of the Democratic Party's biggest sources of campaign contributions, providing a cushion for the party as it struggles to maintain control of Congress in the midterm elections.
6 minute read
The Global Lawyer: Ecuador Plaintiffs Survive Chevron Video Attack
Publication Date: 2010-11-02
Practice Area:
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With new strategies and new co-counsel, the plaintiffs in the massive Amazon environmental case against Chevron Corporation are back on the offensive. Will Chevron be able to make its fraud claims stick?

April 09, 2007 |

Football Players Sue NFL Union

A group of former and current players has sued the National Football League Players Association, alleging lack of oversight of a financial adviser program that led to the loss of millions of dollars.
7 minute read
July 01, 2006 |

Asbestos Removal

n LATE MAY, SENATOR Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania) introduced a new version of the asbestos reform legislation that's been kicking around the Senate Judiciary Committee for the last few years-the latest attempt to create a nationwide trust fund that removes asbestos cases from the tort system. Specter reminded senators that it was their duty to take action "for the sake of thousands of [dying asbestos victims] who are unable to secure compensation in today's broken tort system."
6 minute read
September 21, 2012 |

Attorney Ineligibility Order Pursuant to Rule 1:28-2(a)

Notice to the bar.
380 minute read

