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February 10, 2006 |

Firms to Prized Associates: Let's Make a Deal

Partnership promotions, law firm leaders say, continue to have more to do with who's available than how the economy is doing. When prized associates come knocking on the door, keeping them around for the long term remains firms' primary concern. Yet how firms entice their up-and-comers to stick around has grown increasingly complicated. Equity partnership, for most firms, has become more the exception than the rule. And this year, that continues to be the case.
4 minute read
April 26, 2011 |

The Wrongful Use of Civil Proceedings Cause of Action: Dragonetti Suits

In keeping with this author's monthly column on attorney liability, one would be remiss in not discussing Pennsylvania's wrongful use of civil proceedings cause of action, which is more commonly known as a Dragonetti suit.
6 minute read
March 30, 2010 |

Commonwealth v. Keenan, PICS Case No. 10-1543 (C.P. Berks March 16, 2010), Ludgate, J. (16 pages).

The evidence produced at trial was sufficient for a jury to infer that the subject fire was set by defendant and that defendant's actions placed persons in adjacent buildings at risk of injury and placed those buildings in risk of damage.
3 minute read
November 18, 2002 |

One Plugged, Thousands to Go

The Supreme Court needs to reexamine its policy of reviewing mainly cases involving circuit splits, so that it can move on to some more important stuff.
7 minute read
August 23, 2006 |

Tower Records Replays Bankruptcy Filing

Tower Records filed for Chapter 11 on Sunday in Delaware and intends to auction the company. Those planning to bid are not hoping to save the company, but are "bone pickers" who are looking to buy and sell, an industry source said. This is Tower's second stint in Chapter 11 in the last two years. Former CEO Allen Rodriguez, who saw Tower through its first bankruptcy, was recently asked to leave before his contract ended. "Time has marched on, and Tower hasn't kept with the beat," the source noted.
5 minute read
Law Journal Press | Digital Book Pennsylvania Causes of Action, 12th Edition Authors: GAETAN J. ALFANO, RONALD J. SHAFFER, JOSHUA C. COHAN View this Book

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March 11, 2010 |

City of New York v. Tavern on the Green

Free With Registration: City Wins Battle Over Famous Restaurant's Mark
24 minute read
November 16, 2007 |

This Week's Winners and Losers

The title says it all.
1 minute read
November 18, 1999 |

'Lawyer' Label Hurts at Polls

A breakfast table was the setting for a radio ad for the Montgomery, Ala., mayoral election. The husband asked about challenger Bobby Bright. "Didn't you know?" the wife responded acidly. "He's a trial lawyer. He sues people for a living." In Louisiana, at about the same time, the governor was endorsing a Republican by attacking the Democrat as a trial lawyer, a group that the chief executive likened to swine. As 2000 campaigning gathers speed, off-year elections point to lawyering as a popular topic.
5 minute read
April 21, 2010 |

Miami solo practitioner argues before high court

Miami attorney Robert Glazier argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of an Italian cruise company.
1 minute read


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