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January 26, 2011 |

Refining 'Miranda': Determining Two-Stage Interrogations

In their Second Circuit Review, Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp, members of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, review a decision handed down in December, United States v. Capers, which clarifies fundamental Second Circuit and Supreme Court precedent, providing critical guidance to district courts that apply Miranda, and has likely placed the circuit at the center of future Miranda legal discourse.
13 minute read
November 01, 2008 |

Why Heller Died

Three critical decisions and a loss of partner confidence proved to be turning points on the road to 118-year-old Heller Ehrman's death.
7 minute read
August 18, 2009 |

For Litigators, a Different Kind of Recession

A year ago, as the economy began its freefall, corporate law departments were preparing for an all-out assault by plaintiffs. But the early numbers for this recession are showing something quite different. Susan Hackett, GC for the Association of Corporate Counsel, said companies are "looking to apply the least expensive Band-Aid" to their legal problems. "They can't afford litigation. There's a real sense of, 'Make this go away quickly and quietly,'" Hackett said.
5 minute read
March 28, 2005 |


Bonds ball brawl from years ago now documentary; Sucked back in; On the mike.
4 minute read
December 13, 2007 |

2d Circuit backs work product tape subpoena

A subject of a grand jury investigation who, on advice of counsel, taped phone calls with a fellow broker to help protect himself cannot shield the recordings from prosecutors following a 2nd Circuit ruling. In a decision unsealed this week, the circuit held that, even though the tapes were "fact work product," the government had shown that there was a "substantial need for the recordings and that the information could not be obtained through other means."
4 minute read
September 30, 2013 |

How Far is Too Far in Seeking Confidentiality?

6 minute read
August 20, 2007 |

Some Firms Keep the Lid on Partner Pay Info

For some firms, the less partners know about compensation, the happier everyone is.
7 minute read
November 09, 2007 |

Senate confirms Mukasey as attorney general after sharp debate over waterboarding

WASHINGTON AP _ The Senate confirmed retired judge Michael Mukasey as attorney general Thursday night to replace Alberto Gonzales, who was forced from office in a scandal over his handling of the Justice Department.President Bush thanked the Senate, even though the margin had been whittled down from nearly unanimous by a sharp debate over Mukasey's refusal to say whether the waterboarding interrogation technique is torture.
5 minute read
July 15, 2003 |

Chrysler Group Seeks Accountability

Alleging at a news conference that three San Antonio lawyers devised a plan worthy of a story line of any John Grisham novel, on July 8 Chrysler Group sued the trio and their former firm in Bexar County's 150th District Court.
8 minute read


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