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December 28, 2010 |

Integrating Internet Technology Into the Everyday Practice of Law

The legal profession is undergoing a transformation in the way legal services are obtained and delivered. Technology is partly responsible for this change: The rise of Web-based applications has increased the opportunity for attorneys to interact with clients online, but has also introduced new, business-savvy competitors into the legal space. Economic recession is also partly responsible: Consumers cannot afford the high cost of traditional legal services, and are looking for alternatives.
8 minute read
May 12, 2011 |

To Skype or Not to Skype

The growth of video communications hit a new milestone on May 10 as Skype, the VoIP peer-to-peer provider, was purchased by Microsoft in a deal worth $8.5 billion. Now that the dust has settled a bit on the deal, I wanted to take a closer look at what all of this means -- for consumers and businesspeople alike. The future, "rests increasingly on video calls, as well as voice and text messages ... it could change the way people make even the most routine calls." That's interesting ... [MORE]
4 minute read
April 16, 2013 |

Boston Bomb Probe Will Be 'Fast-Moving and Intense'

The investigation into the Boston Marathon bombings was in full swing Tuesday, as President Obama addressed reporters following briefings by top officials including Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. and FBI Director Robert Mueller III.
6 minute read
September 21, 2009 |

The Search Is on for a UNT College of Law Dean

On Sept. 14, University of North Texas System Chancellor Lee Jackson announced that he has selected a committee to help find a dean for the soon-to-be operational UNT College of Law. The search committee co-chairs are U.S. District Judge Ed Kinkeade of the Northern District of Texas; Marcos Ronquillo, managing partner of Dallas' Godwin Ronquillo; and DeMetris Sampson, a partner in the Dallas office of Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson.
4 minute read
April 11, 2013 |

Social Media Use as Evidence of Juror Misconduct

A trial court has certain authority to investigate juror misconduct, but to what extent can a court compel a juror suspected of misconduct to disclose printouts of social media communications made during a trial.
10 minute read
February 15, 2013 |

Events Focus on Diversity, Solo and Small-Firm Lawyers

The New Jersey State Bar Association will hold two of its signature events in the coming weeks: the third annual Diversity Summit on Feb. 25 and the fourth annual Solo and Small-Firm Conference on March 2.
4 minute read
March 17, 2008 |

Troll Tracker Faces Defamation Suits

The Cisco lawyer who anonymously blogged about Cisco cases has royally irritated the lawyers on the other side. And defamed them, if a matched pair of suits are to be believed.
8 minute read
May 28, 2013 |

Fumo Convicted by Federal Jury on All Counts

After a five-month trial that was riddled with unusual twists, a federaljury on Monday convicted former Pennsylvania state Sen. Vincent Fumo on all 137 counts, delivering a sweeping victory to the federal prosecutors who accused Fumo of abusing his power to fund a lavish lifestyle on the tabs of taxpayers and a charity he created and controlled.
6 minute read
October 01, 2010 |

Protect Your Property

Two new sites protect your trademarks and your wallet.
6 minute read
February 27, 2012 |

Commentary: In-House Counsel's Guide to Crisis Management

While some companies crumble in the wake of disaster, others grow stronger as a result of the way they reacted, writes Ileana M. Blanco, the managing partner of the Houston office of DLA Piper. Understanding the common causes of crisis and best practices for responding can help in-house counsel guide a company through the minefield of media and public scrutiny that follows a catastrophe.
4 minute read


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