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January 18, 2013 |

Estate Planning For Digital Assets

While technology can simplify our lives while we're living, it can complicate things significantly when we become ill, incapacitated, or die.
5 minute read
August 16, 1999 |

Fallout on the Y2K Frontier

Xerox has sued its insurer, American Guarantee & Liability Insurance Co., claiming that $183 million in Y2K-related expenses should be covered under the "sue and labor" provision of its policy.
7 minute read
Hoeft v. MVL Group Inc.
Publication Date: 2003-09-15
Practice Area:
Court: Unknown
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number:

Petitioners Richard Hoeft, III and Carol J. Hoeft appeal from a judgment of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Kimba M. Wood, Judge) denying their petition to c

June 24, 2013 |

ADR: 10 Tips For A Successful Mediation

If counsel and client conclude that mediation is an appropriate method of resolving their dispute there are a number of basic planning and organizational steps that will enhance the possibility that both client and counsel will view the process as fair and reasonable.
7 minute read
October 11, 2013 |

Environmental Law: EPA Directives Emphasize Early Intervention To Reduce Health Risks

"The Fog comes in on little cat feet," according to Carl Sandburg, but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency tells us that vapors come in through cracks in basements, utility lines, and the like — considerably less poetic and of greater concern.
5 minute read
July 13, 2012 |

Taking Renewable Energy Policy To The Next Level

When the governor and the General Assembly passed Public Act 11-80, An Act Concerning the Establishment of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and Planning for Connecticut's Energy Future, it did far more than merge two state agencies under a single commissioner; it put Connecticut at the forefront of renewable energy development.
6 minute read
January 04, 2013 |

FORECAST 2013: Reading The Tea Leaves In Employment Law

So, last year, I brought out my trusted Magic 8-Ball to make my 2012 predictions. Looking back on those predictions, it did pretty well. It's only flaw was suggesting that new National Labor Relations Board notice rules would go into effect in 2012; a court injunction prevented that from happening.
5 minute read
Charter Oak Fire Insurance Company v. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
Publication Date: 2001-10-19
Practice Area:
Court: N.J. Super. App. Div.
Judge: Pressler, P.J.A.D.
For plaintiff:
For defendant:
Case number: A-3357-99T1

NOT FOR PUBLICATION WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE APPELLATE DIVISIONArgued September 25, 2001Defendant State Farm Automobile Insurance Company was Ronald Hatt's primary automobile liability insure

July 18, 2013 |

The Do's And Don'ts Of Attorney Advertising In Connecticut

Since July 1, 2007, the Statewide Grievance Committee has had two principal ways to address concerns about attorney advertising.
9 minute read
